I saw different ways of using schema and resolvers in graphql with expressjs. Which one should I use, and which one is recommended?
const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "HelloWorld",
fields: () =>({
message: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: () => "Hello World"
const schema = buildSchema(
type RootQuery{
message: String!
Query {
query: RootQuery
const resolver = {
message: () => "Hello World"
i'm using this way when defining schema and resolvers.
const schema = buildSchema(
type RootQuery{
message: String!
Query {
query: RootQuery
const resolver = {
message: () => "Hello World"
Asking which you should use is an opinion-based question, which isn't permitted on StackOverflow. We don't know what you should do. Each of these patterns has their own trade-offs.
To start you on your path for that answer, I recommend searching the web for "schema-first" vs "code-only" (sometimes "code-first") blog posts. Your first example is "code-only", and your second example is "schema-first"