
Problems with pm3d and dgrid3d

I can't plot correctly the data of a file using pm3d and dgrid3d. The result obtained does not respect the desired grid and colours.

To understand what was going wrong, I created the following simple data file with the three columns, x, y, z where there are 6 different values for the x, 3 for the y, and the surface value in the z.


0   1   1
0   2   0
0   3   0
1   1   1   
1   2   0.25
1   3   0
2   1   1
2   2   0.5
2   3   0
3   1   0
3   2   0.5
3   3   0
4   1   0
4   2   0.25
4   3   1
5   1   0
5   2   0
5   3   1

My code:

set autoscale
set ytics 1
set xtics 1
set ztics 0.1
set view map
set contour base  
set palette rgbformulae 22,13,10
set colorbox
set dgrid3d 3,6
set pm3d interpolate 1,1

splot 'test.dat' using 1:2:3 with pm3d notitle

I can't get the number of rows and columns of the grid to be respected with dgrid3d.

enter image description here

With dgrid3d 3,6, I get 2 rows and 5 columns instead of 3 and 6. Also, if I modify the interpolation or other parameters, the colours are not correct. I have tried inverting the values, with dgrid 6,3 or interchanging the columns x-y but it does not work. I have tried also eliminate line dgrid3d but it does not plot anything, it remains blank.

Finally, I have tried to make a “test” plotting only points with line:

splot 'test2.dat' using 1:2:3 with points pt 7 palette notitle

and then it plots correctly!

enter image description here


  • Thanks for providing a minimized example with script and data. However, minimizing sometimes might oversimplify things. My current understanding is that you have some data in a regular matrix in x,y,z format. So, depending on how your real data looks like and what you really want to do, I don't see why you would need splot and dgrid3d.

    If there are no other constraints, probably the simplest way is the following:

    Data: SO79388556.dat

    0   1   1
    0   2   0
    0   3   0
    1   1   1
    1   2   0.25
    1   3   0
    2   1   1
    2   2   0.5
    2   3   0
    3   1   0
    3   2   0.5
    3   3   0
    4   1   0
    4   2   0.25
    4   3   1
    5   1   0
    5   2   0
    5   3   1


    ### plot x,y,z data with image
    reset session
    FILE = "SO79388556.dat"
    set size ratio -1
    set xrange noextend
    set yrange noextend
    set grid mx,my front lt -1
    set ytics 1 scale 0,1
    set mxtics 2
    set mytics 2
    set tics out
    set key noautotitle
    set palette rgb 22,13,10
    plot FILE u 1:2:3 w image
    ### end of script


    enter image description here