I have a sub-optimal process to get the minimum value out of an XML-document. What I want to achieve is a more optimal process by using XML to process the requested data correctly.
Assume I have the following xml document in a table:
The mutationDate nodes can be accessed by plain SQL when the document is converted/interpretated using XMLTable, see example below:
with xt as
( select q'[<document>
</document>]' as xml_doc
from dual)
select s.*
, ( select min(regexp_substr( mutationdate_agg,
)) value
from dual
connect by level <=
length ( mutationdate_agg ) - length ( replace ( mutationdate_agg, ';' ) ) + 1
) as mutationdate_sql_min
from xt
, xmltable( '/document'
passing xmltype(xt.xml_doc)
columns mutationdate_1 varchar2(256) path 'mutation[1]/mutationDate'
, mutationdate_2 varchar2(256) path 'mutation[2]/mutationDate'
, mutationdate_3 varchar2(256) path 'mutation[3]/mutationDate'
, mutationdate_agg varchar2(256) path 'string-join( mutation/mutationDate, ";")'
--, mutationdate_xml_min varchar2(256) path 'min( mutation/mutationDate)'
) s
Right now, as you can see, I am joining these values in XML using string-join with a semi-colon separator and then split these values afterwards again in SQL using regexp and hierarchy query 'connect by'.
When I am trying to call a min() function in XML directly, see my last (commented) column "mutationdate_xml_min", I get the following error:
ORA-19112: error raised during evaluation:
XVM-01123: [FORG0001] Invalid value for cast/constructor
19112. 00000 - "error raised during evaluation: %s"
*Cause: The error function was called during evaluation of the XQuery expression.
*Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.
Someone who can help me with the XML/XPath syntax of that?
By default, fn:min()
will try to convert data to double
, which obviously wont' work for your date/timestamp strings. From the spec:
- Values of type xs:untypedAtomic in $arg are cast to xs:double.
You can explicitly cast each value to date
before applying the function:
, mutationdate_xml_min varchar2(256) path 'min(mutation/xs:date(mutationDate))'
2025-01-01+00:00 | 2025-01-01 |
That might be OK if you only want the data part, but it loses the time, which is probably useful. Or for your original timestamp values:
, mutationdate_xml_min varchar2(256) path 'min(mutation/xs:dateTime(mutationDate))'
2025-01-01T12:14:16.000000+00:00 | 2025-01-01T12:14:16 |
which looks more useful.
For the timestamp version you can extract the value as a timestamp with timezone
rather than as a string, if you want:
, mutationdate_xml_min timestamp with time zone path 'min(mutation/xs:dateTime(mutationDate))'
It isn't a plain timestamp
because the canonical dateTime
representation includes the time zone, which will default to +00:00
as one has been specified - but you can cast that back to a plain timestamp
to remove that.
You could remove that in the XPath too, which would let you extract it as a plain timestamp
, mutationdate_xml_min timestamp path 'substring-before(xs:string(min(mutation/xs:dateTime(mutationDate))), "+00:00")'
As Oracle doesn't have a time zone-aware date
, you would need to strip the +00:00
for that version, which you could do in the XPath again, and then extract it as a date
. But you still lose the time part.