I am having difficulty getting all classrooms to be assigned to a class for a room assignment problem. I am using a grid calculated based on class capacity & room capacity (values 0-1). Specifically it is leaving a lot of classes unassigned even when there is a room that can accommodate them (especially the rooms that hold 110 since the highest class capacity is 90). I tried penalizing unassigned classes but am getting the same maximization score every time so something is very broken. Any help is appreciated!
SINF ID | Term | Subject Code | Catalog Number | Course | Section # | Section Type | Title/Topic | Meeting Pattern | Meetings | Instructor | Room | Inst. Method | Credit Hrs | Grade Mode | Maximum Enrollment | Rm Cap Request | Meets |
12345 | Fall 2024 | ALI | 777 | ALI 777 | 1 | Lecture | M 6pm-9pm | M 6pm-9pm | Pending | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 900 | 900 | ||
16264 | Fall 2024 | MGT | 3030 | MGT 3030 | 5 | Lecture | TTh 10:45am-12:05pm | TTh 10:45am-12:05pm | 06018334 | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 80 | 80 | ||
NEW | Fall 2024 | FIN | 2020 | FIN 2020 | 5 | Lecture | MW 9:10am-10:30am | MW 9:10am-10:30am | Pending | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 90 | 90 | ||
16576 | Fall 2024 | ACC | 2100 | ACC 2100 | 1 | Lecture | TTh 10:45am-12:05pm | TTh 10:45am-12:05pm | Pending | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 250 | 250 | ||
NEW | Fall 2024 | FIN | 2120 | FIN 2120 | 1 | Lecture | M 6pm-9pm | M 6pm-9pm | 06063522 | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 40 | 40 | ||
7464 | Fall 2024 | MKT | 4840 | MKT 4840 | 1 | Lecture | TTh 9:10am-10:30am | TTh 9:10am-10:30am | 00253981 | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 60 | 60 | ||
9888 | Fall 2024 | ECON | 2011 | ECON 2011 | 1 | Lecture | MW 9:10am-10:30am | MW 9:10am-10:30am | 06031544 | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 40 | 40 | ||
16582 | Fall 2024 | ACC | 2100 | ACC 2100 | 5 | Lecture | TTh 9:10am-10:30am | TTh 9:10am-10:30am | Pending | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 80 | 80 | ||
NEW | Fall 2024 | OS | 3440 | OS 3440 | 13 | Lecture | W 6pm-9pm | W 6pm-9pm | Pending | General Assignment Room | In Person | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 90 | 90 | ||
11975 | Fall 2024 | MGT | 3810 | MGT 3810 | 7 | Lecture | W 9:10am-10:30am | W 9:10am-10:30am | 00332929 | General Assignment Room | Hybrid | 3 | Graded (A-E, I) | 32 | 32 |
BLD C 105 62
BLD C 106 56
BLD C 107 56
BLD C 108 42
BLD C 203 56
BLD C 204 22
BLD C 206 32
BLD C 207 32
BLD C 208 42
BLD C 210 48
BLD C 211 30
BLD C 212 56
BLD C 301 40
BLD C 302 30
BLD C 303 25
BLD C 304 40
BLD C 305 56
BLD C 435 8
BLD R 105 40
BLD R 110 36
BLD R 115 102
BLD R 125 10
BLD R 205 80
BLD R 210 80
BLD R 212 6
BLD R 214 6
BLD R 215 102
BLD R 216 6
BLD R 218 6
BLD R 220 6
BLD R 222 6
BLD R 224 6
BLD R 226 6
BLD R 228 6
BLD R 230 6
BLD R 232 6
BLD R 250 12
BLD B 110 110
BLD B 1100A 80
BLD B 1110 268
BLD B 1170 80
BLD B 1180 80
BLD B 130 80
BLD B 160 110
BLD B 161 8
BLD B 163 8
BLD B 165 8
BLD B 167 8
BLD B 169 8
BLD B 170 110
BLD B 171 8
BLD B 173 8
BLD B 175 8
BLD B 177 8
BLD B 180 110
BLD B 181 14
BLD B 183 8
BLD B 2100A 20
BLD B 3106 62
BLD B 3112 1
BLD B 3130 30
BLD B 3153 50
BLD B 3157 10
BLD B 3160 62
BLD B 3170 90
BLD B 3180 80
BLD B 5100D 50
BLD B 5122 4
BLD B 5123 6
BLD B 5125 6
BLD B 5127 6
BLD B 5130 83
BLD B 5134 4
BLD B 5140 50
BLD B 5155 8
BLD B 5160 80
BLD B 5160A 40
BLD B 5160B 40
BLD B 5161 8
BLD B 5163 8
BLD B 5165 8
BLD B 5167 8
BLD B 5169 8
BLD B 5170 80
BLD B 5175 15
BLD B 5180 80
BLD B 7112 20
BLD B 7122 12
BLD B 7170 60
BLD B 7175 12
BLD B 7177 10
BLD B 7180 60
BLD B 8159 7
# Mount Google Drive
from google.colab import drive
#/content/drive/My Drive/Work Projects/Projects/Scheduling/Ali Chaos/CLSS_FA25_sample.xlsx'
# Define the paths to the files
this_year_input_file_path = '/content/drive/My Drive/WorkProjects/StackOverflowHelp/ClassSchedule_sample.xlsx'
capacity_file_path = '/content/drive/My Drive/WorkProjects/StackOverflowHelp/RoomCapacities.xlsx'
# Load the input Excel files into pandas DataFrames
print("Loading data from Excel files...")
this_year_df = pd.read_excel(this_year_input_file_path)
capacity_df = pd.read_excel(capacity_file_path)
# Process data
print("Processing this year's data...")
this_year_df = this_year_df[~this_year_df['Room'].isin(["No Meeting Pattern", "ONLINE", "CANVAS"])]
this_year_df['Class'] = this_year_df['Course'] + ' - ' + this_year_df['Section #'].astype(str).str.zfill(3)
# Split 'Meeting Pattern' into 'Days' and 'Times'
def split_meeting_pattern(meeting_pattern):
if pd.isna(meeting_pattern):
return pd.Series([None, None])
parts = meeting_pattern.split(' ', 1)
if len(parts) == 2:
days, time_range = parts
start_time, end_time = time_range.split('-')
# Fix start time if minutes are missing
if start_time[-2:] in ['am', 'pm'] and ':' not in start_time:
start_time = start_time[:-2] + ':00' + start_time[-2:]
# Fix end time if minutes are missing
if end_time[-2:] in ['am', 'pm'] and ':' not in end_time:
end_time = end_time[:-2] + ':00' + end_time[-2:]
time_range = start_time + '-' + end_time # Recombine
return pd.Series([days, time_range])
days, time_range = parts[0], None
return pd.Series([days, time_range])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error splitting meeting pattern '{meeting_pattern}': {e}")
return pd.Series([None, None])
print("Splitting meeting patterns...")
this_year_df[['Days', 'Times']] = this_year_df['Meeting Pattern'].apply(split_meeting_pattern)
this_year_df_filtered = this_year_df[['Class', 'Days', 'Times', 'Meetings', 'Instructor', 'Room', 'Rm Cap Request']]
# Save DataFrames to Excel files
print("Saving DataFrames to Excel files...")
output_folder = '/content/drive/My Drive/WorkProjects/StackOverflowHelp/Output/'
this_year_output_file = output_folder + 'this_year_df_filtered.xlsx'
capacity_output_file = output_folder + 'capacity_df.xlsx'
# Create the output folder if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(output_folder):
this_year_df_filtered.to_excel(this_year_output_file, index=False)
capacity_df.to_excel(capacity_output_file, index=False)
print("Files saved:")
print(f"This year DataFrame: {this_year_output_file}")
print(f"Capacity DataFrame: {capacity_output_file}")
# Check DataFrame shapes and content
print("Checking DataFrame shapes and content...")
print(f"this_year_df shape: {this_year_df.shape}")
print(f"this_year_df_filtered shape: {this_year_df_filtered.shape}")
print(f"capacity_df shape: {capacity_df.shape}")
#Score Grid based on only Capacity Match
import pandas as pd
import re
# Initialize the grid with zeros and default scores
print("Initializing the grid...")
classes = this_year_df_filtered['Class'].tolist()
rooms = capacity_df['Room'].astype(str)
grid = pd.DataFrame(0, index=classes, columns=rooms)
# Room capacities
room_capacity = dict(zip(capacity_df['Room'].astype(str), capacity_df['Capacity']))
for c in classes:
if not this_year_df_filtered[this_year_df_filtered['Class'] == c].empty:
max_enrollment = this_year_df_filtered[this_year_df_filtered['Class'] == c].iloc[0]['Rm Cap Request'] #max class enrollment
for r in rooms:
if room_capacity[r] >= max_enrollment: # Room can accommodate the class
utilization = max_enrollment / room_capacity[r]
grid.at[c, r] = utilization
else: # Room cannot accommodate the class
grid.at[c, r] = 0
# Save the match score grid to an Excel file
grid_output_file = output_folder + 'match_score_grid.xlsx'
print(f"Match Score Grid has been saved to {grid_output_file}")
def time_to_minutes(time_str):
if time_str is None:
return None
time_str = time_str.strip().lower()
if time_str[-2:] not in ['am', 'pm']:
time_str += 'am'
period = time_str[-2:]
# Handle potential multiple colons by splitting only on the first one
time_parts = time_str[:-2].split(':', 1) # Split only once
if len(time_parts) == 2:
# If minutes are missing, consider it 0
hours, minutes = map(int, time_parts)
except ValueError:
hours = int(time_parts[0])
minutes = 0 # Consider minutes to be 0
hours = int(time_parts[0])
minutes = 0
if period == 'pm' and hours != 12:
hours += 12
if period == 'am' and hours == 12:
hours = 0
return hours * 60 + minutes
# Function to check for time overlap
def time_overlap(time1, time2):
if time1 is None or time2 is None:
return False
days1, hours1 = time1
days2, hours2 = time2
if not set(days1).isdisjoint(days2):
start1, end1 = map(time_to_minutes, hours1.split('-'))
start2, end2 = map(time_to_minutes, hours2.split('-'))
return not (end1 <= start2 or end2 <= start1)
return False
from pulp import LpMaximize, LpProblem, LpVariable, lpSum, value
## Define the optimization problem
def solve_optimization(include_back_to_back=True):
print("Starting optimization...")
prob = LpProblem("Classroom_Assignment", LpMaximize)
# Define decision variables
x = LpVariable.dicts("classroom_assignment", [(c, r) for c in classes for r in rooms], cat='Binary')
# Constraints
print("Reviewing Constraints...")
# Must assign all classes
###HELP! Nothing I am doing works....
# Each class is assigned to exactly one room
for c in classes:
prob += lpSum(x[(c, r)] for r in rooms) == 1, f"Class_Assigned_{c}" #label
# Maximum enrollment must be equal to or below room capacity
for c in classes:
if not this_year_df_filtered[this_year_df_filtered['Class'] == c].empty:
max_enrollment = this_year_df_filtered[this_year_df_filtered['Class'] == c].iloc[0]['Rm Cap Request']
for r in rooms:
prob += (x[(c, r)] * max_enrollment <= room_capacity[r], #ensure r capacity < enrollment
f"Room_Capacity_Constraint_Class_{c}_Room_{r}") #Label
# No overlapping classes in the same room
class_times = [] # Used to identify scheduling overlaps
for c in classes:
df_c = this_year_df_filtered[this_year_df_filtered['Class'] == c][['Days', 'Times']]
if not df_c.empty:
class_times.append((c, df_c.values[0]))
class_times.sort(key=lambda x: time_to_minutes(x[1][1].split('-')[0])) # Sort by start time
for r in rooms:
for i in range(len(class_times)):
c1, time1 = class_times[i]
for j in range(i + 1, len(class_times)):
c2, time2 = class_times[j]
if time_overlap(time1, time2):
prob += x[(c1, r)] + x[(c2, r)] <= 1, f"Overlap_{c1}_{c2}_{r}"
# Penalties
print("Assessing Penalties...")
# Unassigned classes
unassigned_class_p = lpSum((1 - lpSum(x[(c, r)] for r in rooms)) * 500 for c in classes)
#counts unassigned classes and penalizes by 5 points for each
# Underused Classroom Capacity
unused_capacity_p = 0
for r in rooms:
for c in classes:
if value(x[(c, r)]) == 1: #if assigned a room
if grid.at[c, r] == 1: #fully utilized
continue # Skip penalty
if grid.at[c,r] <= .5: #and if the utilization < 50%
unused_capacity_p += (1-grid.at[c,r]) * room_capacity[r] # underused penalty
elif grid.at[c,r] < .85: #if over 50% but <85%
unused_capacity_p += (1 - grid.at[c,r]) * room_capacity[r] *.5 # Less penalty
# Objective function: Maximize the total match score
objective = lpSum(grid.loc[c, r] * x[(c, r)] for c in classes for r in rooms) - unused_capacity_p - unassigned_class_p
prob += objective #easier for editing later if we need to change the function
# Solve the problem
print("Solving the problem...")
# Extract results
assignment = {}
for c in classes:
for r in rooms:
if value(x[(c, r)]) == 1: #check if room is assigned
assignment[c] = r
assigned = True
break #stop from looping once a class is assigned
if (x[(c, r)]) == 0:
assignment[c] = "Help!" # If no room was assigned, mark as "Error"
total_match_score = value(prob.objective)
return assignment, total_match_score, unassigned_class_p
assignment, total_match_score, unassigned_class_p = solve_optimization()
print("Optimal Assignment:")
for c, r in assignment.items():
print(f"{c} -> {r}")
print(f"Total Match Score: {total_match_score}")
print(f"Unassigned Class Penalty: {value(unassigned_class_p)}")
A couple of things before we get to solution...
Onward... One of the key flaws in your optimization is that you are asking for the value of assign inside of the optimization in the grid piece. That is illegal. The value isn't known when the problem is built. You need to re-factor it somehow (shown)
You should always check the status of the solve. It should be "on the screen" and it can be checked (see below). If you get anything other than "optimal" the values loaded are unusable
from pulp import LpMaximize, LpProblem, LpVariable, lpSum, value, LpBinary
### DATA
# Classes and sizes
classes = {
'MATH 1': 220,
'MATH 2': 100,
'MATH 3': 100,
'SCI 1': 150,
'SCI 2': 300,
'SCI 3': 30,
# overlapping classes ... Compute this somewhere
overlapping_classes = (
('MATH 1', 'MATH 2'),
('MATH 3', 'SCI 1'),
# Room Sizes
rooms = {
'Bldg 1: 45': 200,
'Bldg 1: 35': 200,
'Bldg 2: 6a': 20,
'Bldg 2: 6b': 40,
'Bldg 3: 401': 600,
# Fill Rate
fill_rate = {(c, r): classes[c]/rooms[r] for c in classes for r in rooms}
# print(fill_rate)
# legal assignments.
# this is not "required", but by doing so, you greatly reduce the scope of the problem
# the alternative is to add an additional constraint that the assignment <= capacity for
# each assignment
legal_assignments = [(c, r) for (c, r) in fill_rate if fill_rate[c, r] <= 1.0]
print(f'Found {len(legal_assignments)} legal assignments: {legal_assignments}')
prob = LpProblem('class assignment', LpMaximize)
# the key variable is BINARY (yes/no decision to assign class to room
# by using the "legal assignments" we control the domain well...
assign = LpVariable.dicts('assign', indices=legal_assignments, cat=LpBinary)
# can only schedule each class once
for c in classes:
prob += lpSum(assign[c, r] for r in rooms if (c,r) in legal_assignments) <= 1
# can't overlap schedule
for c1, c2 in overlapping_classes:
for r in rooms:
if (c1, r) in legal_assignments and (c2, r) in legal_assignments:
prob += assign[c1, r] + assign[c2, r] <= 1
# OBJ: maximize scheduling of classes -> room with bonus for high utilization
# we need to weight the sum of utilization credits such that it can never be better than
# the decision to schedule a single class.... so:
ute_weight = 1/len(classes)
# Total Asmts fill-rate bonus, weighted
prob += lpSum(assign) + ute_weight * lpSum(assign[c, r]*fill_rate[c, r] for (c,r) in legal_assignments)
if value(prob.status) == 1: # optimal solve
print(f'Objective value: {value(prob.objective)}')
print(f'Solution status: {value(prob.status)}')
for c, r in legal_assignments:
if value(assign[c, r]) > .001: # non-zero
print(f'Assign class {c} to room {r}')
print('failed, see solver log')
Result - Optimal solution found
Objective value: 7.51666667
Enumerated nodes: 0
Total iterations: 0
Time (CPU seconds): 0.00
Time (Wallclock seconds): 0.00
Option for printingOptions changed from normal to all
Total time (CPU seconds): 0.00 (Wallclock seconds): 0.00
Objective value: 7.516666666666667
Solution status: 1
Assign class MATH 1 to room Bldg 3: 401
Assign class MATH 2 to room Bldg 1: 35
Assign class MATH 3 to room Bldg 1: 35
Assign class SCI 1 to room Bldg 1: 45
Assign class SCI 2 to room Bldg 3: 401
Assign class SCI 3 to room Bldg 2: 6b
Assign class BASKET WEAVING to room Bldg 2: 6a