
Resolve mapped drive location in node.js

I have a JS project - Vite - on my D:\ drive.
D:\ is a mapped drive pointing to C:\Users\<UserName>\Work.
Now, if my working directory is the C:\ based one, npx vite build runs successfully, and I can see its generated config file has {root: "C:/..."}.
However, if my working directory is the D:\ based one, npx vite build fails, because the generated config file has {root: "D:/..."}, and the error message indicates that's not withint C:\.
Thus, Vite, under the hood, resolves the mapped D:\ drive into C:\Users\<UserName>\Work, thus it uses the real location not the linked one.

How can I translate the mapped drive, how can I resolve the real location, using node's file system methods? (Or in worst case, CLI which works both on windows and linux)

I want to have an own vite.config file with {root: "C:/..."} instead of {root: "D:/..."} - I tested hard coding the C:/ based root, it works!

Interesting, because I've found in Vite's source code it uses process.cwd() to calculate root, tried it in my own vite.config.ts, but gave me D:/.
Even creepier, if I create an own vite.config.ts and call to the method I've found Vite uses if there is no custom vite.config file provided, it still gives me D:/:

export default defineConfig(({command, mode, isPreview, isSsrBuild}: ConfigEnv): Promise<UserConfig> => {
    return resolveConfig({configFile: false}, command, mode, mode);

But if I put a console.trace(); into Vite's source code when I don't have a vite.config, I can see resolveConfig is called, and root will be C:/.
Can't figure out how is this possible...
Anyway, my question is the bold one above, this is just the part describing what I've tried so far.


  • fs.realpathSync.native(__dirname) - I've found the answer in this Vite issue - just after writing the essay in the question...