I have a Bigquery table with a 2 fields: uid
(string) and cart
(json), the json field has random keys (the name of the keys are not predictable).
Example of a row:
uid | cart
some_uid | {
| "random_abc": {
| "field1": "value1",
| "field2": "value2",
| },
| "random_xyz": {
| "field1": "value1",
| "field2": "value2",
| }
| }
I'd like to transform cart to be an array as follow:
uid | cart
some_uid | [
| {
| "key": "random_abc"
| "field1": "value1",
| "field2": "value2",
| },
| {
| "key": "random_xyz"
| "field1": "value1",
| "field2": "value2",
| }
| ]
I'm struggling to loop over cart
keys, since the naming is random
The call to json_keys(cart,1)
returns an array of keys with a maximum depth of 1, so it will return only the random...
keys. The array is unnested and joined to the table and json_set()
call adds a key called key
with random_...
as its value to.
Each row consists of the uid
and JSON object corresponding to the value of random_...
element of cart, with the random_...
added under key
Finally, grouping by the uid joins the JSON objects into an array.
with your_table as (
select 'uid1' as uid, JSON '''
"field1": "value1",
"field2": "value2"
"field1": "value1",
"field2": "value2"
''' cart
select sq.uid, array_agg(rec) cart
from (
select yt.uid,
to_json(json_set(cart[key],'$.key', key, create_if_missing => true)) rec
from your_table yt,
unnest(json_keys(cart,1)) key
) sq
group by sq.uid
The final result is this:
| uid | cart |
| some_uid | [ |
| | { |
| | "field1": "value1", |
| | "field2": "value1", |
| | "key": "random_xyz" |
| | }, |
| | { |
| | "field1": "value1", |
| | "field2": "value2", |
| | "key": "random_abc" |
| | } |
| | ] |