
Catalyst Authentication not working in Appsail

I created a Spring boot application and hosted it in Catalyst Appsail and since I needed a to have a user database to my application so I added catalyst authentication to my spring boot application the catalyst login iframe didn't work when I test in local using catalyst serve but it didn't work.

I deployed the same application to development environment and when I accessed the URL the login iframe loaded properly. I don't know why its not working in local environment.

Attaching screenshots from the local environment for reference enter image description here


  • You might face this issue if you haven't updated the CLI to the latest beta version which you can do by running the below command in Administrator mode

    npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@beta

    Once updated, you can add the below two key-value pairs in your appsail folder's app-config.json and try using catalyst serve again which should resolve this issue of catalyst login iframe not loading

     "catalyst_auth": true,
     "login_redirect": "/app.html" //Your redirecting html page.