
convert wstring_view to int

I am trying to convert wstring_view to int. Is there something like stoi that works on wstring_view instead of string? Can't use any C-api's since it's not necessarily null-terminated. Can't use from_chars since it's wchar_t. So far, I've been converting to std::wstring, then converting to int (using stoi), which is probably OK with small string optimizations and all, but goes against the point of using views in the first place.


  • Probably the easiest approach from a coding perspective would be to use Boost's lexical_cast (see doc) if available:

    #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
    [[nodiscard]] int parseInt(std::wstring_view const string)
        return boost::lexical_cast<int>(string.data(), string.size());

    Note that this will throw boost::bad_lexical_cast if string cannot be parsed in its entirety. This is different to std::stoi, std::strtol, atoi and the like. See this on Coliru

    To avoid exceptions one could use try_lexical_convert() as described here.

    When it comes to performance they have their own stats which seem to indicate that for string to integral conversion it is faster than std::scanf() or std::stringstream.