I have a simple python script and I want to enable dragging and dropping files into the python script in Windows 11. This works. But only if I set python launcher as default application for python file types. I want to launch my editor when double clicking. My idea is to create a batch file as default application for the python script and launch my editor if no parameters are passed and launch it with python launcher if it has parameters. I cannot get it to fully work. But when opening the editor command window is created that doesn't close automatically.
test drag.py
import sys
import os
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_file_name = os.path.join(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], "test.txt")
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
with open(test_file_name, 'w', newline='\n') as f:
f.write("file names:")
for file_path in sys.argv[1:]:
with open(test_file_name, 'w', newline='\n') as f:
f.write("no file names")
@echo off
if not "%~2"=="" (
:: Arguments detected, so files were dragged on it. Calling it with python.
START /B python.exe %*
) else (
:: No arguments detected, so double clicked. Opening it with editor (vscode)
START /B code %1
Open command key is updated via command line:
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\open\command" /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "\"C:\drag\python_drag.cmd\" \"%L\" %*" /f
Set drophandler if needed (if installing latest python version with py launcher it should be set). enable_python_drag_and_drop.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
When starting python a window briefly opens (you can only see the outline) and then it closes automaticallt.
When starting VSCODE it opens an additional window that doesn't close. How to fix it?
Edit: I figured out how to at least minimize the window:
START /w /min cmd /c "call code %1"
START /w /min cmd /c "call code.cmd %1"
has been moved out of the bin folder. Inside the bin folder is only code
and code.cmd
. It is now one folder up. Running code.exe
directly solves the problem. No window is created.
Here is C:\drag\python_drag.cmd
@echo off
if not "%~2"=="" (
rem Arguments detected, so files were dragged on it. Calling it with python.
START "Python Script Execution" python.exe %*
) else (
rem No arguments detected, so double clicked. Opening it with editor (vscode)
START "" "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\code.exe" %1
And it's added with this command:
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\open\command" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "\"C:\drag\python_drag.cmd\" \"%L\" %*" /f