How to iterate over individual characters of a string in x86 assembly and print them?
global _main ; declare _main entry point
extern _printf ; extern method
section .data
string: db 'Iterate over this string #test', 0
character: db '_', 0
endStr: db 'Ended.', 0
section .text
lea eax, string ;load address of string to eax
mov cl, [eax] ; access [eax] in memory, save char to cl
test cl, cl ; check if zero terminator
jz end ; exit if 0
mov [character], cl ; write char to memory (character)
push character ; print character
call _printf
add esp, 4 ; clear stack
inc eax ; increment address
jmp loop ; loop again
ret ; exit
My current program crashes after printing the first character of the string, "I". There is no error outputted to the console.
Thanks for any help in advance.
According to Jester in the comments below:
uses eax for the return value.