
Is it possible to know the country a mail come from?

So I received a mail from a yahoo account on my gmail account and for some personal reasons I'd be interested to know in which country the sender is.

So I did some google, and found that there is the IP of the sender in the mail headers. I went along with that and the IP is located in Ireland, which is not what I expected. However, there is this line in the header : Authentication-Results:; which is what I expected (I guess).

I did not post the header because I guess there is sensitive data in it and I don't know exactly which part is safe to share. But if some additional informations are required, let me know and I'll edit the question to add them.

So to clarify my question, does that means that the sender is localized in Mexico (mx) but the mail passed by some servers before I received it and the last one before me is Ireland (the IP) ?


  • You are not the first or last person to have this question. So, there are already some smart people who have answered this question. Some good links are shared at the end of the answer on other forums. But AFAIK, you can never know the origin with 100 % certainty (unless you have super specialized tools) because

    1. you NEVER know the sender is sending from his local machine or VPN.
    2. you NEVER know the sender is spoofing his IP address.

    With that being said, as suggested here, to determine the origin of the email message, use the extended email headers to locate the IP address of the sender's mail server. The link explains how to decipher different parts of the extended email header.

    Following links would teach you some easy and not-so-easy methods to trace location of email's origin.

    Hope it helps!