
RabbitMQ queue is not created on spring startup

Please help me to solve issues with Spring rabbitmq queue creation. I've searched every stakcoverflow posted questions, but non seems to work.

I am using Spring 2.7.18. My rabbit configuration class:

public class RabbitConfiguration {

    private final RabbitProperties rabbitProperties;

    public RabbitConfiguration(RabbitProperties rabbitProperties) {
        this.rabbitProperties = rabbitProperties;

    public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
        AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin = new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory);
        return amqpAdmin;

    public Declarables queues() {
        return new Declarables(createQueue());

    public Queue createQueue() {  
        return new Queue("queueName", true, false, false);

    public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
        return new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory);


I see that my application created connection. If I have queue created via Rabbit admin panel I can send messages to the rabbit. However, then I delete the queue via admin panel it's not created. I am thinking that queue should be created either during app start up or either sending a message to the rabbit. Am I wrong? :( I use service only to send messages via rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend()

Created new connection: rabbitConnectionFactory#373052b5:0/SimpleConnection@8ca3b65 [delegate=amqp://xxx@xxxx:xxx/vhost, localPort= xxxx]


  • I was using a clean RabbitMQ instalation with my Spring Boot app, where I seted up a topic and a queue to be created.

    i am thinking that queue should be created either during app start up or either sending a message to the rabbit

    The last one happend to me, the resources and the connection data started to show up in the RabbitMQ management page after, and only after I sent the first message. That might be the cause if someone is experiencing something like it.