I have been trying to read a comma delimited csv file and total a value from each record using the code below that I have put together from various searches:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "grandtotal=0"
rem Process the file:
call :ProcessFile < %1
exit /B
set /P line=
set "total=0"
set line=:EOF
set /P line=
if "!line!" == ":EOF" goto :EOF
set i=0
for %%e in (%line%) do (
set /A i+=1
for %%i in (!i!) do (
if %%i==4 (
echo "value of e - " %%e
set /A htot=+%%e
echo "value of htot - " %htot%
goto nextLine
exit /B
The test csv file contains 4 records with the value in the 4th of 7 fields. I now have a few problems:
The first record is being skipped. No idea as to why. The data in the file should be reading the values of 187.55
, 109.48
, 612.82
, 1028.81
for a total of 1,938.66
The totalling of the record is not occurring. I am getting a Missing operator.
error on the Set /A htot=+%%e
Although I am getting that error, the variable htot
does seem to get populated, but with the previously read value.
This is the screen output when I run the batch file:
C:\DOS Stuff>try6 testf.csv
"value of e - " 109.48
Missing operator.
"value of htot - "
"value of e - " 612.82
Missing operator.
"value of htot - " 109
"value of e - " 1028.81
Missing operator.
"value of htot - " 612
Sadly, you haven't given us an obfuscated example of your data file contents, so I made a sample file containing this data:
The code I devised was
SET /a characteristic=0,mantissa=0
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%e IN ("%~1") DO (
SET /a field=0
FOR %%o IN (%%e) DO (
SET /a field+=1
IF !field!==4 FOR /f "tokens=1,2delims=." %%b IN ("%%o") DO SET /a characteristic+=%%b,mantissa=mantissa+1%%c-100
SET /a characteristic+=mantissa/100,mantissa=(mantissa %% 100)+100
SET "result=%characteristic%.%mantissa:~-2%"
ECHO %result%
So - to explain:
Note that it is valid to separate value assignments with a comma in set /a
Read the data file, line-by-line into %%e
. My actual command for running this code was q79403729 "u:\your files\q79403729.txt"
. The ~
strips the quotes from %1
, the result is then quoted (so it doesn't matter whether %1
was quoted or not) and the option usebackq
used to tell for
that the quoted string is a filename, not a literal. (for /?
for documentation)
Then use %%o
to process %%e
as a simple list
Pick the fourth field from the list and use the delimiter .
to tokenise %%o
, quoted, to be used as a literal into %%b
and %%c
and add these to the accumulators characteristic
and mantissa
. Since %%c
may contain a leading 0
, then that would cause it to be interpreted as octal, raising errors for .08
and .09
, then the standard solution is to prefix %%c
with 1
and subtract 100.
Finally, adjust for mantissa
> 100, ensuring mantissa
has 100
added to (its original value mod 100) so that it will be 3 characters long, then the result is bolted together using characteristic
, a dot, and the last 2 digits of mantissa
Note that this would need to be adjusted if the field in question does not have a .
or contains but one digit after the .
and also if a field may be absent from the source data.