
GitHub Actions Can't Create Files For Mocking in PHPUnit

I've been working on my tests for an hour and it works on my machine but when I try to put it in github actions, it stops and it can't create any files for mocking.

I've no idea how to allow my action to write on github.

name: PHP Composer

    branches: [ "main" ]
    branches: [ "main" ]

  contents: read


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Validate composer.json and composer.lock
      run: composer validate --strict

    - name: Cache Composer packages
      id: composer-cache
      uses: actions/cache@v3
        path: vendor
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-php-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.lock') }}
        restore-keys: |
          ${{ runner.os }}-php-

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress

    # Add a test script to composer.json, for instance: "test": "vendor/bin/phpunit"
    # Docs:

    - name: Run test suite
      run: ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Here's my github action file

PHPUnit 11.5.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.4.3
Configuration: /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/phpunit.xml

..........FF..F..........................FF..FF.................. 65 / 97 ( 67%)
................................                                  97 / 97 (100%)

Time: 00:00.072, Memory: 10.00 MB

Authority (Tests\ArchersFramework\Http\Authority)
 ✔ Valid authority string
 ✔ Authority string without credentials
 ✔ Authority string without port
 ✔ Authority string without credentials and port
 ✔ Invalid authority string
 ✔ Authority with credentials only
 ✔ Authority to string

 ✔ Get returns same instance for singleton
 ✔ Get returns new instance for factory
 ✔ Instance returns same object
 ✔ Autowires dependencies
 ✔ Throws exception for not autowireable class
 ✔ Inject attribute overrides default
 ✔ Throws exception for missing type hint
 ✔ Throws exception for unresolvable scalar type
 ✔ Handles nullable parameters
 ✔ Detects circular dependency

Controller Discovery (ArchersFramework\Tests\Router\Discovery\ControllerDiscovery)
 ✘ Discover controllers in windows path
   │ Failed asserting that an array contains 'App\Controllers\WindowsTestController'.
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/tests/Router/Discovery/ControllerDiscoveryTest.php:85
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/vendor/bin/phpunit:122
 ✘ Discover controllers in linux path
   │ Failed asserting that an array contains 'App\Controllers\LinuxTestController'.
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/tests/Router/Discovery/ControllerDiscoveryTest.php:98
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/vendor/bin/phpunit:122
 ✔ Ignores non php files
 ✔ Ignores php files with wrong extension
 ✘ Handles nested directories
   │ Failed asserting that an array contains 'App\Controllers\Nested\DeepController'.
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/tests/Router/Discovery/ControllerDiscoveryTest.php:137
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/vendor/bin/phpunit:122
 ✘ Handles mixed directory separators
   │ Failed asserting that an array contains 'App\Controllers\Mixed\PathController'.
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/tests/Router/Discovery/ControllerDiscoveryTest.php:150
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/vendor/bin/phpunit:122
 ✔ Handles empty directory gracefully

Glob Recursive (Tests\ArchersFramework\GlobRecursive)
 ✘ Glob recursive finds files
   │ Failed asserting that actual size 0 matches expected size 2.
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/tests/GlobRecursiveTest.php:53
 ✘ Glob recursive ignores non matching files
   │ Failed asserting that actual size 0 matches expected size 1.
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/tests/GlobRecursiveTest.php:62
 ✔ Glob recursive handles empty directory
 ✔ Glob recursive with no matches
 ✘ Glob recursive handles complex directory structures
   │ Failed asserting that actual size 0 matches expected size 3.
   │ /home/runner/work/archers-framework/archers-framework/tests/GlobRecursiveTest.php:89

Header Collection (Tests\ArchersFramework\Http\HeaderCollection)
 ✔ Constructor initializes headers
 ✔ Get returns null if header does not exist
 ✔ Add adds new header value
 ✔ Set replaces existing header values
 ✔ Delete removes header
 ✔ Delete does nothing if header does not exist
 ✔ Get all returns all headers
 ✔ Headers are case insensitive

Path (ArchersFramework\Tests\Utilities\Path)
 ✔ Path joins multiple segments
 ✔ Path normalizes slashes
 ✔ Path trims leading and trailing slashes
 ✔ Empty path returns empty string
 ✔ Single segment path
 ✔ Path with mixed separators
 ✔ Windows absolute path
 ✔ Windows u n c path
 ✔ Linux absolute path
 ✔ Path with empty segments
 ✔ Path with multiple consecutive slashes
 ✔ Path with special characters
 ✔ Path with trailing backslash

 ✔ Response constructor
 ✔ Send response

Route Discovery (ArchersFramework\Tests\Router\Discovery\RouteDiscovery)
 ✔ Discover routes from controller
 ✔ Discover routes with prefix from route collection
 ✔ Discover no routes
 ✔ Discover invalid controller class
 ✔ Discover routes with multiple controllers

Router (ArchersFramework\Tests\Router\Router)
 ✔ Dispatch returns response for valid route
 ✔ Dispatch handles parameterized route
 ✔ Dispatch throws not found for invalid route
 ✔ Dispatch throws method not allowed
 ✔ Resolve parameters returns parameters
 ✔ Resolve parameters returns null for mismatch

Template (ArchersFramework\Tests\Router\Template)
 ✔ Constructor parses valid template string
 ✔ Constructor defaults type to string
 ✔ Constructor throws exception for invalid template
 ✔ Is value valid returns true for valid int
 ✔ Is value valid returns false for invalid int
 ✔ Is value valid returns true for valid float
 ✔ Is value valid returns false for invalid float
 ✔ Is value valid returns true for boolean
 ✔ Is value valid returns false for invalid boolean
 ✔ Is value valid returns true for string
 ✔ Get processed value returns int
 ✔ Get processed value returns float
 ✔ Get processed value returns bool
 ✔ Get processed value returns string
 ✔ Get processed value throws exception for invalid value

ULID (Tests\ArchersFramework\Utilities\ULID)
 ✔ Generated ulid has correct length
 ✔ Generated ulid has valid characters
 ✔ Generated ulids are unique
 ✔ Generated ulid is uppercase by default
 ✔ Generated ulid can be lowercase
 ✔ Generated ulid parts are correct
 ✔ To string method returns expected value
 ✔ From string with valid ulid
 ✔ From string with lowercase ulid
 ✔ From string with invalid ulid throws exception

 ✔ From string valid uri
 ✔ From string without query and fragment
 ✔ From string without schema
 ✔ From string without path
 ✔ From string invalid uri
 ✔ To string
 ✔ From string with port
 ✔ From string with credentials
 ✔ From string without credentials

Tests: 97, Assertions: 166, Failures: 7.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

It's supposed to create the files in the environment temp directory


  • It was related to my code. Thanks to @Azeem for his responses :)

    The problem was that GitHub Action uses ":" as PATH_SEPARATOR and I was only handling "/".