
Create a column in a dataframe based on comparisons of multiple columns in the original and a second dataframe

I am trying to add a column to a dataframe based on criteria from two columns in this original dataframe and three columns of a second dataframe. The new column would simply have an 'a' added to the end of the values in one column.

Reproducible example: actual df1 has > 80k rows & 16 columns; df2 7 rows & 6 columns

df1 <- data.frame(Date = as.Date(c("2024-01-01", "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01",     "2024-04-01", "2024-05-01", "2024-06-01", "2024-07-01")),
                  RT = c("150.5-40", "150.5-40", "150.5-40", "150.5-40", "150.5-140",     "150.5-80", "150.5-80"),
                  RTa = c("150.5-40a", "150.5-40a", "150.5-40a", "150.5-40a", "150.5-    140a", "150.5-80a", "150.5-80a"))

#         Date        RT        RTa
# 1 2024-01-01  150.5-40  150.5-40a
# 2 2024-02-01  150.5-40  150.5-40a
# 3 2024-03-01  150.5-40  150.5-40a
# 4 2024-04-01  150.5-40  150.5-40a
# 5 2024-05-01 150.5-140 150.5-140a
# 6 2024-06-01  150.5-80  150.5-80a
# 7 2024-07-01  150.5-80  150.5-80a

df2 <- data.frame(Date = as.Date(c("2024-03-01", "2024-04-01")),
                  RT = c("150.5-40", "150.5-10"),
                  MRT = c("150.5-140", "150.5-110"))

        Date       RT       MRT
1 2024-03-01 150.5-40 150.5-140
2 2024-04-01 150.5-10 150.5-110

Desired results:

# Date          RT          RTa         RTF       
# <date>        <chr>       <chr>       <chr>
# 2024-01-01    150.5-40    150.5-40a   150.5-40    
# 2024-02-01    150.5-40    150.5-40a   150.5-40    
# 2024-03-01    150.5-40    150.5-40a   150.5-40a   
# 2024-04-01    150.5-40    150.5-40a   150.5-40a   
# 2024-05-01    150.5-140   150.5-140a  150.5-140a  
# 2024-06-01    150.5-80    150.5-80a   150.5-80    
# 2024-07-01    150.5-80    150.5-80a   150.5-80

I have tried using dplyr::mutate() as follows:

df1 %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(RT_F = if_else(RT == df2$RT | RT == df2$MRT & Date >= df2$Date, RTa, RT))

which produces the following inaccurate results:

# Date            RT      RTa         RT_F
# <date>         <chr>    <chr>       <chr>
# 2024-01-01    150.5-40    150.5-40a   150.5-40a   
# 2024-02-01    150.5-40    150.5-40a   150.5-40    
# 2024-03-01    150.5-40    150.5-40a   150.5-40a   
# 2024-04-01    150.5-40    150.5-40a   150.5-40    
# 2024-05-01    150.5-140   150.5-140a  150.5-140a  
# 2024-06-01    150.5-80    150.5-80a   150.5-80    
# 2024-07-01    150.5-80    150.5-80a   150.5-80

I have also tried:

for (i in 1:nrow(df1)) { # For every row in df1
  # # Select if df1 RT = df2 RT
  if (df1[i, "RT"] %in% df2$"RT") { # If RT is in df2
    df[i, "RTF"] <- df2$RTa # Add RTa to the RTF column

which produces the following error:

Error in df[i, "RTF"] <- df2$RTa :
object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

Also tried the following with no success:

df1 %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(RTF = case_when(
    RT == df2$RT | RT == df2$MRT & Date >= df2$Date ~ RT, 
    TRUE ~ RTa


  • Based on the logic in your dplyr code, one way to achieve your desired output is to use dplyr::left_join() to combine df1 and df2, then apply the date condition.

    Converting your df2 object to long form using tidyr::pivot_longer() prior to joining will simplify the process.

    First, load required packages and data (modified as there are errors in your example data):

    df1 <- data.frame(
      Date = as.Date(c("2024-01-01", "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01", 
                       "2024-04-01", "2024-05-01", "2024-06-01", "2024-07-01")),
      RT = c("150.5-40", "150.5-40", "150.5-40",
             "150.5-40", "150.5-140", "150.5-80", "150.5-80"),
      RTa = c("150.5-40a", "150.5-40a", "150.5-40a",
              "150.5-40a", "150.5-140a", "150.5-80a", "150.5-80a")
    df2 <- data.frame(
      Date = as.Date(c("2024-03-01", "2024-04-01")),
      RT = c("150.5-40", "150.5-10"),
      MRT = c("150.5-140", "150.5-110")

    then pivot df2 to long form:

    df3 <- df2 |>
                   names_to = "Type",
                   values_to = "Code")
    # # A tibble: 4 × 3
    #   Date       Type  Code     
    #   <date>     <chr> <chr>    
    # 1 2024-03-01 RT    150.5-40 
    # 2 2024-03-01 MRT   150.5-140
    # 3 2024-04-01 RT    150.5-10 
    # 4 2024-04-01 MRT   150.5-110

    and finally, join df1 and df3 and create a new column where your date condition is applied. Based on your comment, you can use case_when(.default = RT). This will ensure all other values in the RTF column are from RT, in this case accounting for Date.x < Date.y and any NA values introduced from the left join:

    df4 <- df1 |>
      left_join(df3, by = join_by(RT == Code)) |>
      mutate(RTF = case_when(Date.x >= Date.y ~ RTa,
                             .default = RT))|>
      select(Date = Date.x, RT, RTa, RTF)
    #         Date        RT        RTa        RTF
    # 1 2024-01-01  150.5-40  150.5-40a   150.5-40
    # 2 2024-02-01  150.5-40  150.5-40a   150.5-40
    # 3 2024-03-01  150.5-40  150.5-40a  150.5-40a
    # 4 2024-04-01  150.5-40  150.5-40a  150.5-40a
    # 5 2024-05-01 150.5-140 150.5-140a 150.5-140a
    # 6 2024-06-01  150.5-80  150.5-80a   150.5-80
    # 7 2024-07-01  150.5-80  150.5-80a   150.5-80