
How to solve HTTP01 challenge when domain is pointing to different IP?

So, we have a domain which is pointing to IP and serving traffic. I am creating new cluster with ingress-nginx with new IP and trying to add cert to it using cert-manager.

Issue is I can't point the domain to this new IP unless ssl is enabled and without pointing domain to this new IP I am having trouble with acme challenges.

For now I have created an additional sub-domain and added redirects on the original service to these new ones for path /.well-known/acme-challenge/*. According to Let's Encrypt docs, they allow up to 10 redirects - here.

Redirect is working fine, it's just that the ingress rules which cert-manager created for the solvers are for original domains and I can't seem to find any config which lets me configure additional rules.

Is there any way solve this?

I am thinking of editing the ingress which cert-manager created but worried it would cause some issue when I switch to production issuer. Or that there might be better way to do this.

Edit: I tried updating the ingress manually, but the server which was created by cert manager to handle the request is checking for the hostname and throwing error since they don't match.


  • So, cert manager solver checks for the HOST header before serving the key. In order for this to work, I ended up creating another service with another sub-domain (redirect.original.com) which had nginx running and updated the host using proxy_set_header HOST original.com; and used proxy pass to send the request to new domain pointing to where the solver is running proxy_pass http://new.original.com;.

    And this how the whole flow looked like -

    GET original.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/... 
     -> original.com 
     - redirect -> redirect.original.com 
     - update HOST and proxy pass -> new.original.com

    Since I had couple of sub-domains which I wanted to do this for, I added a unique prefix path which were handled by matching location blocks and used a rewrite.