Is there a way to handle invalid forgery token error in Blazor WebApp .NET 8 ?
A valid antiforgery token was not provided with the request. Add an antiforgery token, or disable antiforgery validation for this endpoint
Like a redirection or something else
I tried this in my Program.cs
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
await next();
if (context.Response.StatusCode == 404 && !context.Response.HasStarted)
if (context.Response.StatusCode == 400 && !context.Response.HasStarted)
It should be redirect to /400 page
The antiforgery validation error is not an exception that can be caught in middleware directly because ASP.NET Core handles it before the request reaches middleware. A workaround is you could make a middleware to do antiforery validation earlier and redirect.
public class AntiforgeryValidationMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
private readonly IAntiforgery _antiforgery;
private readonly ILogger<AntiforgeryValidationMiddleware> _logger;
public AntiforgeryValidationMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IAntiforgery antiforgery, ILogger<AntiforgeryValidationMiddleware> logger)
_next = next;
_antiforgery = antiforgery;
_logger = logger;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
// Apply antiforgery validation only to unsafe methods (POST, PUT, DELETE)
if (HttpMethods.IsPost(context.Request.Method) ||
HttpMethods.IsPut(context.Request.Method) ||
await _antiforgery.ValidateRequestAsync(context);
catch (AntiforgeryValidationException ex)
_logger.LogWarning("Antiforgery token validation failed: {Message}", ex.Message);
await _next(context);
Add the middleware
var app = builder.Build();