
Managing multiple versions of same bundle name iOS app on the App Store

I have read this post, but I thinks I was facing different problems from the author: Managing multiple versions of an iOS App

Currently, our team submitted apps to the testFlight for the QA to test, the project owner would picked a version from release candidates and published to the App Store after the tested version was passed.

Say our client reported a bug on 2.2.33 version app, and we published a bug free 2.4.0 version with some new features to the App Store.

HOWEVER, the client wants stay on 2.2.xx as their stable production version without new feature.

Is possible to publish an 'older' version on iOS App Store for client to install? i.e, current app version on the App Store was 2.4.0, can I published a 2.2.35 version to the App Store?

Or we should provide our app in other way than publishing to the App Store?


  • Nope, you cannot rollback to a prior version. That's why you should establish a new tag for each release version. If this tag is available, reverting code to it, then creating a kind of hot fix is easier.

    The only thing you can do right now is roll back to the 2.2.35 commit and republish it again. i.e. The newest version is 2.4.0, and you must build a new 2.4.1 version, with the code is actually 2.2.35.