final response = await _errorReportRepository.sendErrorReport(event.errorReport);
Hi,I want to do an operation if this await takes more than 2 seconds and not stop the process.
Like an example. If it takes more than 2 seconds, change a variable to true directly after 2 seconds.
Future<void> handleErrorReport() async {
bool isTimeout = false;
Timer? timeoutTimer;
// Start a timer to change the variable after 2 seconds
timeoutTimer = Timer(Duration(seconds: 2), () {
isTimeout = true;
print('Timeout reached, isTimeout set to true');
try {
await _errorReportRepository.sendErrorReport(event.errorReport);
// If sendErrorReport completes first, cancel the timer
print('Error report sent successfully.');
} catch (e) {
print('Error occurred: $e');
This will set the variable timeout to true if the error report fututre takes more than 2 seconds but will cancel the timeout if the error future resolves before 2 seconds.
Another option would be to use Future.any, this will race the two futures, if the error report resolves before 2 seconds the timeout will be ignored, else the timeout future will resolve.