
Google Cloud Error reporting slow to respond to errors

I'm using Google App Engine on Google Cloud to run a Flask app. It used to be that whenever an error appeared on the production server I would receive an email from Google Console that an error appeared in my project.

This would be instantly as the error appeared. In the last 2 days I have noticed that it takes over 2 hours for Error reporting to register an error and send me an email about it.

The error appears in the Logging, but not in Error reporting.

I don't know what has changed, I did not temper with any settings during that time.

The error quantity is also not an issue as I get on average only 2 errors per day (I know that errors get silenced if there are more than 1000/min).

So really I have no clue what is going on, can someone else confirm this issue or is this only on my end?


  • This appears to have been a temporary latency issue within the GCP system, errors are now reporting for me in sub-minute latencies.