
How to filter data obtained through annotation?

There are 'images' that are attached to 'objects' through a ForeignKey, they can be several at each 'object'. There are 'subjects' that are also attached to 'objects' through ForeignKey. How to attach 'subject' one image from the 'object', noticed "select=1"? Through annotation, I can get either the number of images or all images.

Options that work but that's not what you need

Subject.objects.filter(, state=3).annotate(image=Count('object__objectimages__image', filter=Q(object__objectimages__select=1)))


Subject.objects.filter(, state=3).annotate(image=F('object__objectimages__image'))
class Object(models.Model):
    hromada = models.ForeignKey(Hromady, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    state = models.IntegerField(choices=SELECT_CHOICES, default=SELECT_CHOICES[1][0])

class ObjectImages(models.Model):
    object = models.ForeignKey(Object, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to=upload_path_img)
    select = models.BooleanField(default=False)

class Subject(models.Model):
    object = models.ForeignKey(Object, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    state = models.IntegerField(choices=SELECT_CHOICES, default=SELECT_CHOICES[1][0])

list subjects in Subject => Object => 1 image in ImageObject (select=1) or None


  • You could try using a query like this.

    queryset = (
        .filter(, state=3)
                .filter(object_id=models.OuterRef('object_id'), select=1)
                .values_list('image', flat=True)[:1]

    This should give you the expected results - for each subject, select by subquery one image that has select=1 and image.object_id=subject.object_id.