
Laravel Sanctum/Fortify request leads to unexpected 302

I know there is already a ton of questions on CORS-errors and Sanctum because I have the feeling I have read them all by now. But unfortunately I could not find a solution to my issue. I have a regular Laravel API-project with Sanctum and Fortify installed and completely configured and a Vite/Vue-project as frontend, both running in a Laravel Herd development environment. The API is running under api.picabase.test, the frontend under picabase.test.

Everything seems to be set up correctly because I can login without any issue. CSRF-token is requested and send and after that the authentication also works without an issue with all the expected user-data loaded in the Pinia-store. But what I don't understand is that every consecutive request to the API is denied because of a CORS-error with the code: ERR_NETWORK and the message "Network Error", so very general. It looks more like a backend error than an actual CORS-error. CORS-error

If I then look in the Network-tab of the Developer tools of Chrome I can see this flow showing that the authentication request is indeed handled flawlessly and that my next request (in this case an attempt to change my password as logged in user) is preflighted correctly but is then for some reason redirected to the root of my API and that (I assume) results in a CORS-error. Unexpected 302 redirect

Any idea on how to solve or debug this is very welcome as I am completely out of ideas.

Relevant settings from the .env are:

Config file cors.php is like this:

return [
    'paths' => [
    'allowed_methods' => ['*'],
    'allowed_origins' => [env('FRONTEND_URL')],
    'allowed_origins_patterns' => [],
    'allowed_headers' => ['*'],
    'exposed_headers' => [],
    'max_age' => 0,
    'supports_credentials' => true,

Setting for home in the config file fortify.php is:

'home' => env('FRONTEND_URL'),


  • Finally found an answer with the big help of this article: Cookie based authentication with Sanctum. Behaviour is the consequnce of the fact that Laravels notes that the user is already authenticated and does a redirect. Scroll way down the article and you will find how to adapt the redirectToUsers-middleware. Tinker a bit with the response of the custom exception you have to throw there (in my case changing to a 200 response) and logging is workt all the time