
Trying to extract msi file metadata in powershell

PowerShell 5.1

Can someone help me extract metadata from an msi file?

enter image description here

I've tried the following, but no comments property.

$filePath = "C:\Users\user1\source\repos\PRACTICE\WpfApp1\SetupProject1\bin\Debug\SetupProject1.msi"
$fileProperties = Get-ItemProperty -Path $filePath
$fileProperties | Format-List *


  • You can try using Shell.Application COM object to extract the metadata, I don't know of a way to extract just Comments, but there is a way to extract all the metadata from it into an ordered dictionary.

    # using PowerShell msi for the example
    $path = 'path\to\PowerShell-7.5.0-win-x86.msi'
    $shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
    $dir = $shell.NameSpace([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($path))
    $item = $dir.ParseName([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($path))
    $metadata = [ordered]@{}
    for ($id = $nullCounter = 0; $nullCounter -lt 10; $id++) {
        $key = $dir.GetDetailsOf($null, $id)
        $value = $dir.GetDetailsOf($item, $id)
        if ($key -and $value) {
            $metadata[$key] = $value
            $nullCounter = 0
        if ($id -lt 320) { continue }

    Then from here you should have all the file metadata in $metadata, and assuming it had a Comments key, you could do:

    $metadata['Name']     # PowerShell-7.5.0-win-x86.msi
    $metadata['Comments'] # PowerShell for every system
    $metadata['Title']    # Installation Database
    $metadata['Subject']  # PowerShell package
    $metadata['Authors']  # Microsoft Corporation