
Adjust Matplotlib Polar Plot to Show Sub Degree Motion (AKA Stretch a polar plot() slice)

I have RA and DEC pointing data I would like to show on a polar plot (converting to rho and theta). The theta motion is very small, ~0.01 degrees. This is not easily seen on a full polar plot so I am trying to 'zoom in' to the region and show the change from data point to data point. When I adjust the thetamin/thetamax below to the limits I would prefer the wedge becomes a very thin line that losses all useful information.

I would like a wedge shape like below but where the min/max theta angle shown is at least a degree.

    import numpy as np

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import matplotlib

    import pandas as pd

    print('matplotlib version : ', matplotlib.__version__)

    fig = plt.figure()


    ra = np.asarray([1.67484,1.67485,1.67485,1.67486,1.67486,1.67488,1.67487,1.67488,1.67487, 1.67487]) #radians

    dec = np.asarray([-0.92147,-0.92147,-0.92147,-0.92147,-0.92147,-0.92147,-0.92147, -0.92147,-0.92147, -0.92147]) #radians

    rho = np.sqrt(ra**2 + dec**2) # get rho from ra and dec
    theta = np.arctan2(dec,ra) # get theta from ra and dec

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,polar=True)
    ax.plot(theta, rho,'*-',color='y')
    ax.set_ylim(1.9114,1.9117) # limits of rho


enter image description here

I've been reading online and looking at the matplotlib polar plot documentation but the examples I've found don't go beyond what I've implemented so far..


  • First of all, you still have some potential concerning narrowing down the plotted radial range, e.g., to ax.set_ylim(1.91159, 1.91164). Please also note, that when I was searching for a solution (which I couldn't fin on the internet either), I found that using np.arctan2() is the appropriate approach for polar coordinates, that is the reason why I changed this part in your code.

    Otherwise, I had no better idea than applying a scaling approach to your plot. Now the wedge in question is scaled up by an arbitrary scaling factor (i.e., theta for the upscaled plot in degrees), as in:

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    ra = np.asarray([1.67484, 1.67485, 1.67485, 1.67486, 1.67486, 
                     1.67488, 1.67487, 1.67488, 1.67487, 1.67487]) 
    dec = np.asarray([-0.92147, -0.92147, -0.92147, -0.92147, -0.92147, 
                      -0.92147, -0.92147, -0.92147, -0.92147, -0.92147]) 
    rho = np.sqrt(ra**2 + dec**2) 
    theta = np.arctan2(dec, ra)  # instead of np.tan(dec / ra), see the other answer.
    # set scaling factor
    scalingfactor = 40
    # scaling up by arbitrary scaling factor
    theta_scaled = (theta - np.min(theta)) / (np.max(theta) - np.min(theta)) * np.radians(scalingfactor)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6), subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
    ax.plot(theta_scaled, rho, '*-', color='y', label=f"Scaled 1:{1/scalingfactor}")
    ax.set_ylim(1.91159, 1.91164)
    #check theta limits
    print(np.degrees(min(theta)), np.degrees(max(theta)))
    #creating theta ticks
    ticks = np.radians(np.linspace(0, scalingfactor, 5)) 
    # setting theta labels explicitly
    scaled_labels = np.round(np.linspace(360+np.degrees(min(theta)), 360+np.degrees(max(theta)), len(ticks)), 4)
    ax.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5)

    I am sure you can still make it look prettier, otherwise, it looks to be a solid solution to me, resulting in for example this version of the plot: enter image description here