
IntelliJ Unit Test Configuration fails with: "variable not initialized in the default constructor" Error When Using Lombok Annotation


I'm encountering the following error when running my project as a unit test configuration in IntelliJ:

java: variable restClient not initialized in the default constructor

However, the same tests work fine when I run mvn test from the terminal.

My Setup
public class RestClient {
    public RequestSpecification getRequestSpecification() {
        // Rest Assured config here
@SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfig.class, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class CucumberSpringConfiguration {}
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.francislainy.sobeautomation"})
public class TestConfig {}
public class MySteps {
    private final RestClient restClient;
    private Response response;

    @Given("I send a GET request to the Bored API")
    public void iSendAGETRequestToTheBoredAPI() {
        response = restClient.getRequestSpecification().get("");
pom.xml (Relevant Dependencies)

What I've Tried

However, the only workaround I've found so far is to remove the @RequiredArgsAnnotation and explicitly define a constructor for my variable.

public class MySteps {
    private final RestClient restClient;
    private Response response;
    public MySteps(RestClient restClient) {
        this.restClient = restClient;


Why does @RequiredArgsConstructor fail to initialize restClient when running the tests in IntelliJ's unit test configuration, but works fine with mvn test? Is there a way to ensure the Lombok-generated constructor works correctly in both scenarios?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Thank you.


  • Based on the conversation with @Geba, this is what has fixed the issue.

    Changing Annotation profile from using Processor path

    enter image description here

    To using Obtain processor from project classpath.

    enter image description here