
Groovy way to get part of this URL?

I have the following URL string.

What is a Groovy way to get the

part? That is, the part before the last "." in the URL. I know I can string.tokenize(".") and then just concatenate the parts I want, but there's got to be a better, groovier, way?


  • There are indeed a number of ways to obtain the result from the input string, and it seems like the question is for a path forward that is clean and efficient. I would then recommend a regular expression with a matcher:

    def shortUrlRegexp = '' =~ /(.*)\./ // greedy regular expression that you can modify as necessary
    String shortUrl = shortUrlRegexp[0][1] // assign value from matched string
    shortUrlRegexp = null // avoids an error due to inability to serialize

    Depending upon the type you could use the ==~ operator instead of =~ for the regular expression, but that depends on your potential use cases.