
Use integer for relation

I'm implementing a REST API, and I would like to implement a quick and easy way to create and persist entities.

Therefore, I created an entity like so, where $plain is a basic associative array:

    public function __construct($plain = null)
        if ($plain != null) {
            foreach ($plain as $k => $v) {
                if (property_exists($this, $k))
                    $this->{$k} = $v;
                    throw new Exception("Property $k does not exist in " . self::class);

     * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Category", inversedBy="children")
    private $parent;

My frontend input will look something like this, and then decoded into the $plain array from above:

    "name": "FooBar",
    "parent": 1

When flushing, I'm greeted by a totally understandable Doctrine error, telling me that $parent is an integer and is not an entity as expected.

I'd like to mention that here, the "parent" will never be fetched by the backend, as I'm creating a new entity, all I want to do is write 1 in the parent_id column of my database.

To summarize, my goal is to make doctrine write the id in the database column, without checking for context.

Any idea? Thanks!


  • Using GraphQl is the way to go!

    To properly answer the question. Using references is the key:

    $em->getReference(Entity::class, 1);