
Decent ways to handle malloc failure?

Suppose that I need to malloc three times and I would like to make an early return if one of the malloc calls have failed.

My first try:

void test(void) {
   int *a, *b, *c;
   a = malloc(sizeof(*a));
   if (a == NULL)

   b = malloc(sizeof(*b));
   if (b == NULL) {
      free(a);   /* since `a` has been `malloc`ed. */

   c = malloc(sizeof(*c));
   if (c == NULL) {
      free(a);   // since `a` and `b` have
      free(b);   // been `malloc`ed.

However, somehow I don't think this is a nice way to handle malloc failures.

My second thought:

a = malloc(sizeof(*a));
b = malloc(sizeof(*b));
c = malloc(sizeof(*c));

if (a == NULL || b == NULL || c == NULL) {
   free(a);   // I've read that it's fine
   free(b);   // to `free` a NULL pointer.

I think that this is better in that it looks clean, but that's because I'm handling only three pointers. If I had more pointers, it wouldn't look clean.

Meanwhile, I've seen a brilliant method which casts pointers into uintptr_t. However, as far as I understand, this technique requires for NULL to be 0.

My last resort:

void *container;

container = malloc(sizeof(int) * 3);
if (container == NULL)

a = getaddr(0);
b = getaddr(1);
c = getaddr(2);

// def: getaddr
static inline int *getaddr(void *base, int index) {
   return base + (sizeof(int) * index);

By mallocing the total memory I needed, I was able to write the NULL test only once, but it's still a headache to me to do so.

So I wonder whether there are nicer ways or best practices to handle this situation. It would be greatly appreciated if you could enlighten me.

EDIT: First of all, I thank all of you for helping me out. Please let me elaborate the intention of this question.

typedef struct tree tree_t;

struct tree {
   tree_t *parent;     // a pointer to the parent tree.
   list_t *children;   // a pointer to the list which has the pointers to the child trees of this tree.
                       // list_t is a linked list I've made.
   void *data;         // a pointer to the data this tree has.
   size_t data_size;   // the size of the data.

// This function creates a new tree object.
// This function returns a pointer to the newly created tree.
// If failed, returns NULL.
extern tree_t *tree_plant(void *data, size_t data_size) {
   // under these conditions, fails to create one.
   if (data == NULL || data_size == 0)
      return NULL;
   tree_t *sapling;
   void *tree_data;
   list_t *tree_children;
   // This is the very point which confuses me.
   // I would like to return NULL if failed to malloc.
   sapling = malloc(sizeof(tree_t));
   if (sapling == NULL)
      return NULL;
   tree_data = malloc(data_size);
   if (tree_data == NULL) {
      return NULL;
   tree_children = list_create();  // list_create makes a new list.
   if (tree_children == NULL) {    // list_create returns NULL if it fails to make one, like tree_plant does.
      return NULL;
   // Initializes all fields
   sapling->parent = NULL;
   sapling->children = tree_children;
   sapling->data = tree_data;
   sapling->data_size = data_size;
   // I've heard it's best practice to copy data when implementing an abstract data type.
   memcpy(sapling->data, data, data_size);
   // success to make a tree
   return sapling;
// This is the list implementation.
typedef struct node {
   struct node *prev;
   struct node *next;
   void *data;
   size_t data_size;
} node_t;

typedef struct list list_t;

struct list {
   node_t *head;
   node_t *tail;
   size_t size;   // the length of this list.

extern list_t *list_create(void) {
   list_t *list;

   list = malloc(sizeof(list_t));
   if (list == NULL)
      return NULL;

   list->head = NULL;
   list->tail = NULL;
   list->size = 0;

   return list;

EDIT: I deeply appreciate all the answers and comments. Those were greatly helpful and interesting to me.


  • You can pass NULL to free, so no checks are necessary.

    tree_t *tree_plant( void *data, size_t data_size ) {
       // ...
       tree_t *sapling = NULL;
       void *tree_data = NULL;
       sapling = malloc( sizeof( tree_t ) );
       if ( !sapling )
          goto ERROR;
       tree_data = malloc( data_size );
       if ( !tree_data )
          goto ERROR;
       list_t *tree_children = list_create();
       if ( !tree_children )
          goto ERROR;
       // ...   
       return sapling;
       free( tree_data );
       free( sapling );
       return NULL;

    The above is specialization of the following general approach which I find clearer:

    tree_t *tree_plant( void *data, size_t data_size ) {
       // ...
       tree_t *sapling = malloc( sizeof( tree_t ) );
       if ( !sapling )
          goto ERROR1;
       void *tree_data = malloc( data_size );
       if ( !tree_data )
          goto ERROR2;
       list_t *tree_children = list_create();
       if ( !tree_children )
          goto ERROR3;
       // ...   
       return sapling;
       free( tree_data );
       free( sapling );
       return NULL;

    The very obvious construction-destruction symmetry with minimal code and minimal indenting is what makes this approach very clean.

    Furthermore, this approach is incredibly flexible without sacrificing any readability.

    bool test( void ) {
       bool rv = false;
       FILE *f1 = fopen( ... );
       if ( !f1 ) {
          // Output relevant error message here.
          goto ERROR1;
       FILE *f2 = fopen( ... );
       if ( !f2 ) {
          // Output relevant error message here.
          goto ERROR2;
       // Do something with file handles here.
       rv = true; 
       fclose( f2 );
       fclose( f1 );
       return rv;

    Example of this approach in the wild.