Azure has announced that they are deprecating support for Azure SQL database 2014-04-01 APIs.
From a recent email:
Action required: Upgrade Azure SQL Database 2014-04-01 APIs to a newer version by 31 October 2025
Here's the packages my Azure Functions app is using:
How do I verify which version of the Azure SQL database API is actually being used?
My app (a video game released on Steam and multiple game consoles, so deploying is not painless) uses the following:
The short version is that you should upgrade to .NET 8 and EF Core 8 at least. The packages you mention are beyond End-Of-Life.
The APIs mentioned there are the REST APIs used to manage databases jobs etc, not the drivers used to connect to the database and execute SQL. You didn't post the full message, but the one shown eg in this Microsoft Q&A question says the message was sent because you (or some application in your account) is using the database APIs to manage the databases.
Azure SQL Database 2014-04-01 APIs will be retired on 31 October 2025 You're receiving this email because you use Azure SQL Database APIs. To improve performance and security, we're updating Azure SQL Database APIs. As part of this, all version 2014-04-01 APIs will be retired on 31 October 2025. You'll need to update your resources, including templates, tools, scripts, and programs, to use a newer API version by then. Any API calls still using the older versions after that date will stop working until you've updated them. Required action To avoid potential service disruptions, upgrade any Azure SQL Database resources that use version 2014-04-01 APIs to a newer stable version by 31 October 2025.
That said, the EF Core versions you mention are all past End-Of-Life. Along with .NET 6, EF Core went out of support in November 2024. End-of-Life means those packages won't get any fixes, not even security fixes, in the future.
The oldest supported .NET and EF Core versions are .NET 8 and EF Core 8. Even the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient version is obsolete. The current one is 6.0.1.
The lifecycles of both .NET and EF Core are published in advance, with even-numbered versions supported for 3 years (Long Term Support) and odd-numbered Standard-Term versions supported for 18 months.
Even Azure Functions has dropped support for .NET 6 in both the isolated worker and in-process model according to the runtime versions docs