
Jmeter | Add time-stamp in Agreegate report CSV format (Non GUI Mode)

I am using Jmeter 5.6.3 version and exporting aggregate report in CSV format using non-gui mode. Reports are exporting fine. I want to add timestamp in CSV report so it will easy to get its date/time details.

Below command is used :

JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv test.csv --input-jtl results.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport

What I tried :

The timestamp present in JTL file is not coming in CSV report. Finding the way to add that in CSV report CSV report


  • Aggregate Report Listener doesn't show timestamps because it displays "aggregated" data, not individual samplers

    enter image description here

    The plugin you're using creates textual representation of what the listener shows, basically the same what happens when you click "Save Table Data" button.

    See Analyzing JMeter Test Results Using JMeter Aggregate Report Listener article for more details on the listener, the metrics it shows, how they're calculated, etc.

    So you either need to fork the plugin or use other ways of adding the timestamp using i.e. echo, date and time, something like:

    echo %date% %time% >> results.jtl