
How to display additional count near progress bar in Enquiry Screen?

I am working on Odoo 18 and need to modify the Enquiry Screen to display additional counts near the progress bar. The current progress bar already shows the Expected Revenue, but I want to add more details for better visibility.



Current view Default View Screenshot

Expected View Asking Requirement Edited Screenshot

For the "NEW" Stage: The display format should be:

525K - 12 (10)

525K → Expected Revenue (already displayed)

12 → Total Enquiries for the Year

(10) → Count of enquiries currently in this stage

For all other stages: The display format should be:

525K - 6

6 → Count of enquiries currently in this stage

My Questions

  1. Where should I modify the code to achieve this?
  2. Should it be done in a custom module, or can it be handled via the XML views?
  3. How can I fetch and display these counts dynamically for each stage in Odoo 18?
  4. If it needs changes in OWL JS, how should I approach updating the progress bar component?

What I Have Tried

I checked the model (crm.lead or similar) but didn’t find an existing field that directly provides the total count of enquiries per year.

I explored the OWL JS components but am unsure how to modify the display logic near the progress bar.


  • To display an additional count near the progress bar in Odoo 18's Enquiry Screen, follow these steps:

    1. Template Inheritance:
      Extend the existing ColumnProgress template from the crm module using XML. This allows you to inject custom elements into the progress bar's structure.

    2. XPath Positioning:
      Use an XPath expression to target the <AnimatedNumber> element (which displays the current value) and insert your additional count after it.

    3. Manifest Configuration:
      Ensure your module's declares a dependency on crm and loads the XML asset in the backend.

    Code Solution:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <templates xml:space="preserve">
        <!-- Inherit and extend the CRM progress bar template -->
        <t t-inherit="crm.ColumnProgress" t-inherit-mode="extension">
            <!-- Insert additional count after the AnimatedNumber element -->
            <xpath expr="//AnimatedNumber" position="after">
                <span class="ml-2">
                    <!-- Replace 'your_field' with the actual field name -->

    Manifest File (

        # ... other manifest keys
        'assets': {
            'web.assets_backend': [
                'your_module/static/src/xml/your_template.xml',  # XML asset path
        # ... other manifest keys

    enter image description here