i have a python application, that contains functions to be called by interval.
def call_repeatedly(interval, func, *args, **kwargs):
stopped = threading.Event()
lock = threading.Lock() # Lock to protect shared state (stopped)
def loop():
while not stopped.wait(interval):
with lock: # Ensure that no other thread is modifying stopped
func(*args, **kwargs)
threading.Thread(target=loop, daemon=True).start()
return stopped.set
'func' here is the function to be called. I have three of 'func' that will be called - in a 300 seconds, 900 seconds and 3600 seconds interval.
The whole python application runs over months on a raspberry pi4 ubuntu system without any problems. Now, i decided to make my raspberry to a development system, create an intel based server with ubuntu and moved the python application. Now, the 300 seconds 600 seconds interval call works, but the 3600 seconds interval call will not proceeded after the second awaited interval, without any error messages.
I tried another approach with python scheduler:
def call_repeatedly(interval, func, *args, **kwargs):
scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
def loop():
func(*args, **kwargs)
scheduler.enter(interval, 1, loop)
scheduler.enter(interval, 1, loop)
threading.Thread(target=scheduler.run, daemon=True).start()
This runs until midnight, then the 3600 seconds call dying again.
I thought, thats could be the powersave mode in the intel N100 chip, that accidentally stops the threading calls, set intel chip to POLL (no power savings), but without luck. The problem persists. 300 and 600 seconds runs, but the 3600 seconds call dying at some point.
The only thing, that i see is, all three calls coincided at the full hour (3600 seconds). But, why works that on a weaker raspberry pi 4 but not in a intel N100?
After many "try and errors" ... it's not the call_repeatedly function itself. The function inside the thread missing a socket.close(), so not ending properly. This leads into a runtime error, the thread stops without any errors.But, it's a mystery for me, why this situation comes up on a Intel system and on a raspberry not.