
Sympy rsolve function returns wrong results

I have the following recurrence relation:

an = 0.996 · an–1 + 0.004 · an–10 + 0.04

with initial conditions: an = 0 for all n ≤ 9.


import sympy as sp

n = sp.symbols('n')
y = sp.Function('y')
recurrence = sp.rsolve(
    y(n) - sp.Rational(0.996) * y(n-1) - sp.Rational(0.004) * y(n-10) - sp.Rational(0.04),
       y(0): 0,
       y(1): 0,
       y(2): 0,
       y(3): 0,
       y(4): 0,
       y(5): 0,
       y(6): 0,
       y(7): 0,
       y(8): 0,
       y(9): 0,

The wrong result I get is just a constant number. Why do I not get an expression that depends on the variable n?


  • The recurrence first argument of rsolve is not an equality, it is the expression that the nth term is equal to, see docs.

    So rsolve call should be

      sp.Rational('0.996') * y(n-1) - sp.Rational('0.004') * y(n-10) - 
      y(n), [0,]*10)

    Seems like sympy cannot solve this recursion (note that you probably meant Rational('0.996') and not Rational(0.996)).

    For getting a general element in this recurssion you can do the following:

    from sympy import Function, symbols, Rational
    from sympy.series.sequences import RecursiveSeq
    y = Function('y')
    n = symbols('n')
    seq = RecursiveSeq(Rational('0.996')*y(n - 1) - Rational('0.004') * y(n-10) - Rational('0.04'), y(n), n, [0,]*10)
    # y(30) =