
Need a jolt spec to populate a field along with condition check for the same field

Need a jolt spec with only the mentioned field in output section.remaining fields are not required.As "date" is the field for which I need to populate the output json also need to check "date" is null or not depending on "type" we need to populate. I wrote the jolt which is only population either "date" or "type", but i need both

If inventory.release.date is not null, then "type":"ReleaseDate" If date is not present then check if inventory.release.days is not null or not 0 , then "type":"PriorToArrival"

Input json:

  "inventory": {
    "release": {
      "date": "2025-01-16",
      "days": 0,
      "isRolling": true,
       "value": "4gh",
       "computationType": "Flat"

Output json:

  "releaseSettings": {
    "date": "2025-01-16",
    "isRolling": true


  • I assume that you want to chack if inventory.release.days is not null and not 0 rather, then you can use the following transformation :

        "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
        "spec": {
          "inventory": {
            "release": {
              "typeChk": ["=isPresent(@(1,date))", "PriorToArrival"] //set to "PriorToArrival" if "date" attribute doesn't exist
        "operation": "shift",
        "spec": {
          "inventory": {
            "release": {
              "date|isRolling": "&1Settings.&",
              "typeChk": {
                "PriorToArrival": {
                  "@2,days": {
                    "0": {
                      "": ""
                    "*": { //if the value of "days" > 0
                      "@3": "&5Settings.type"
                "*": { //if not set to "PriorToArrival" within the modify spec
                  "#ReleaseDate": "&3Settings.type"