
How to load custom data fro filament-tree package?

On laravel 9 filamenphp site I need to show data in tree and I found this plugin.

But source of this plugin is 1 table, not as in my case when I need to combine data from 3 sources and 2 of them are non related tables. If there is a way to load my custom data into this plugin?

I suppose it looks some laravel feature... Has it any

    "filament/filament": "^2.17.39",
    "filament/forms": "^2.17.39",
    "laravel/framework": "^9.52.7",

Thanks in advance!


  • Not sure if anyone is still using this package, but i found you can overide the getTreeQuery function to customize the getter it uses for the tree items

    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder;
    use SolutionForest\FilamentTree\Widgets\Tree as BaseWidget;
    class MyWidget extends BaseWidget{
        //Rest of widget
        protected function getTreeQuery(): EloquentBuilder
            return Class::query()
                ->where('some_id', $this->other_id);

    You can probably do all sorts of things with this to customize the items the way you want to.