Is there any built in way with Angular to use a Number type in my model as Hex Value in the HTML for Displaying and Editing? I have this type in my model:
bitmask: number = 0;
Which should now be presented as Hex Value in the frontend.
<td *ngIf="!isEditing">{{parameter.bitmask}}</td>
<td *ngIf="isEditing"><input type="text" [(ngModel)]="parameter.bitmask" maxlength="2" pattern="^(0-9a-fA-F)$" /></td>
Any hint or help would be appriciated. I already tried it with a property in the model like this:
get hexBitmask(): string {
return this.bitmask.toString(16);
set hexBitmask(value: string) {
if (!value.startsWith('0x')) {
value = "0x".concat(value);
this.bitmask = Number(value);
But it seems like I cannot use this in the binding on my frontend the same way as I did it with the bitmask field.
As an option for showing you can use a custom pipe:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
name: 'customPipe',
standalone: true
export class CustomPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: number): string[] {
return this.bitmask.toString(16);
in html you will have next:
<td *ngIf="!isEditing">{{parameter.bitmask | customPipe}}</td>
For inputting the data, you have not described what format is going to be with '0x' or without.