Good evening. Stack Overflow and Powershell and RegEx novice here.
The below Powershell code is returning the correct value as well as a little pre context and post context. However, I am looking to enhance this program and capture the ID value that is several hundred lines prior to the result. The problem is, the ID is not always exactly 322 lines above. Sometimes it can be 250 lines, sometimes it can be 150 lines above depending on the JSON file.
For example, it is capturing variables in a JSON file for a variable called "RatedOI" on line #2028
This variable is found in the JSON file, line #2028 When I select the checkbox in PowerShell, the result immediately appears
However I want to enhance this program and capture the ID string which is literally on line #1706 (322 lines above the result).
I am a novice. Notice the curly braces are yellow instead of teal. I am trying to return that ID string, which happens to be a4be181b-a747-4901-a37d-fb7537fd4c19
Here is the powershell/regex code. I included snippets to give you just enough information. Please let me know if you have any questions and if you need more code. I appreciate all of you
set-location C:\Users\A187515\Downloads\
$file = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\A187515\Downloads\ -filter *.json | Sort-Object
LastAccessTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
[xml]$xaml = @"
x:Name="Window" Title="Swagger Variable Lookup" WindowStartupLocation = "CenterScreen"
SizeToContent = "WidthAndHeight" ShowInTaskbar = "True" Background = "lightgray">
<StackPanel >
<CheckBox x:Name="Item23" Content = 'RatedOI 1+'/>
<TextBox x:Name='Item1_txt' />
<TextBox x:Name='Item2_txt' />
<TextBox x:Name='Item3_txt' />
$reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
#Connect to Controls
$Window=[Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )
# define 1 textbox beneath the variables only
$Item1_txt = $Window.FindName('Item1_txt')
$Item2_txt = $Window.FindName('Item2_txt')
$Item3_txt = $Window.FindName('Item3_txt')
#define each item in the UI. Connect to Control
$Item23 = $Window.FindName('Item23')
#RatedOI which contains multiple lines begins here, copy and paste this
If ($Item23.IsChecked) { $RatedOI = '"RatedOI"'
Get-Content $file | Select-String -Pattern $RatedOI -Context 1 | ForEach-Object {
#I closed the ForEach-Object Loop.
#I output my results outside the loop using [string] $_.LineNumber + ' ' + $_.Line + '
' + $_.Context.PostContext
#I also use -join
$Item1_txt.Text =
Select-String -LiteralPath $file -Pattern $RatedOI -Context 2 |
ForEach-Object {
[string] $_.LineNumber + ' ' + $_.Line + ' ' + $_.Context.PostContext
) -join [Environment]::NewLine
else {$RatedOI ="!$!"}
$Item1_txt.Text = ""
#$Item2_txt.Text = ""
#close the RatedOI code
$Window.Showdialog() | Out-Null
Let's say I have a new application or an existing application when applying for a college. Every time i make a change to that (new or existing) application, such as last name, first name, etc a new JSON file is created and pulled from Swagger. It has lots of variables and line numbers Inside that JSON file are the 2 properties of interest ID and RatedOI. ID will be a unique string of 36 characters including 4 hyphens, such as (a4be181b-a747-4901-a37d-fb7537fd4c19},it can reside 200 lines or even 400 lines depending on change made to the college application Once that ID string is generated the RatedOI underneath it will update. RatedOI is a boolean. It depends whats changing in the front end college application. Most of the time its false by default, but can be true depending on end User inputs to the college application. So essentially there several scenarios which show the relationship between the 2 variables of interest
Here is a condensed sample of the code. There are hundreds of lines in between ID and RatedOI and it can vary. Please note that I want to capture only the ID string immediately found above the RatedOI variable (ID is found hundreds of times throughout the json file)
sample JSON:
"id": "e0b8a6aa-2675-4d93-86ff-6a51a0daea85",
"_etag": "\"ba00b64e-0000-0100-0000-671029b20000\"",
"LOB": "A",
"PID": "9219377869",
"PNum": "9219377869",
"SC": "TX",
"RD": {
"SM": {
"productId": "XYZ",
"RRID": "XYZ",
"PF": "XYZ",
"PV": "1",
"RR": "202401",
"PTCH": "0.0",
"state": "TX",
"LOB": "A",
"userType": ""
"PSM": {
"productId": "XYZ",
"RRID": "XYZ",
"PF": "XYZ",
"PV": "1",
"rateRevision": "202401",
"PTCH": "0.0",
"state": "TX",
"LOB": "Auto",
"userType": ""
"resultsRequested": false,
"resultsReceived": false,
"entities": [
"qId": "638ee347-42ed-441c-a6ff-d6c99cf62032",
"totalP": 498,
"dateRateCalculated": "2024-10-16T21:01:30.8295181Z",
"peakData": {
"premDiff": []
"productSelectionTimeStamp": "2024-10-16T20:57:23.9369158Z",
"sessionId": "a451b6b2-f7e1-448f-bc44-38c6a0cfbffb",
"RK": "999999999",
"historyId": "",
"preApplicationVerificationData": {
"GReject": {
"NR": {
"appliedExternalSourcedData": [],
"TFSD": {
"outOfSequenceStatus": {
"dateStarted": "2024-10-16T20:52:13.9427222Z",
"applicationEffectiveDate": "2024-10-17T04:00:00+00:00",
"dateApplied": "2024-10-16T21:01:38.1017792Z",
"applicationStatusCode": "Committed",
"entitiesData": {
"entities": [
"id": "b0000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000b",
"entityType": "IHUR",
"ordinal": 0,
"characteristics": {
"PBILR": {
"stringValue": "XYZ"
"stringValue": "XYZ"
"PISR": {
"stringValue": "XYZ"
"id": "7af50dbb-7ea3-4458-adfe-a82198a8d96c",
"entityType": "Operator",
"ordinal": 0,
"characteristics": {
"FirstName": {
"stringValue": "Joe"
"stringValue": "A999999"
"RatedOI": {
"boolValue": true
I want it to pull "id": "7af50dbb-7ea3-4458-adfe-a82198a8d96c", which is the id just above the RatedOI It seems to pull all the IDs after Entities. The output for id is so long that is looks like this and has an elipsis
id RatedOI
{f68fd8eb-bbf1-4b81-9ada-9ca5dffae120, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, bea9da3c-4712-4522-b29c-6a03d7553c65, bfe05560-8fde-48cb-bf19-dfd09b18eb38...} True
Use ConvertFrom-Json
to parse your JSON document into an object graph (comprised of nested [pscustomobject]
instances), which allows you to access the objects and properties represented in the JSON document using regular dot notation, via .
, the member-access operator.
The following solution outputs a [pscustomobject]
for each object in the input JSON, with .id
and .RatedOI
properties (only), using the Select-Object
cmdlet; note that extracting a nested property value requires use of a calculated property:
# Substitute your real file name/path for 'file.json'
(Get-Content -Raw file.json | ConvertFrom-Json) | ForEach-Object {
$useNext = $false
foreach ($entity in $_.entitiesData.entities) {
if ($entity.entityType -eq 'IHUR') {
$useNext = $true # The very next object contains the data of interest.
elseif ($useNext) {
# Extract the values of interest and output them as a
# [pscustomobject] instance.
$entity | Select-Object `
@{ Name = 'RatedOI'; Expression = { $_.characteristics.RatedOI.boolValue } }
# Exit after having found the value of interest.
# NOTE: If there can be *multiple* 'IHUR' object pairs,
# and you want to extract information from all of them,
# replace `break` with `$useNext = $false`
With your sample JSON document, this yields the following display output:
id RatedOI
-- -------
7af50dbb-7ea3-4458-adfe-a82198a8d96c True