
How to make Android AVD display shown in full screen? (2025)

My AVD created by Android Studio Device Manager is shown up like this: enter image description here

I want to make it full-screen (no title bar), or shown like a normal Windows maximized app: no anything outside of the Android display area; but all of these are not working:

The only way i found is changing to resolution larger and larger until it is kinda matching the size of the physical display but it's hilarious.


    1. Open the Android Emulator.
    2. Open a Command Prompt (cmd) and enter

    adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.full=*

    This forces the entire system UI (status bar + navigation bar) to hide, making the emulator behave like a fullscreen app.

    1. To restore, run:

    adb shell settings put global policy_control null