
Get the monitoring activation status of my GCP Vertex AI endpoint with Python?

In a GCP project with Vertex AI endpoints already deployed, I want to know if the monitoring is enabled with the google-cloud-aiplatform library.

How can I do it ?

View of a GCP project with already deployed Vertex AI endpoints

For more context, I ran following commands:

Command Line Interface

gcloud config set project <my_GCP_project_id>
gcloud config set billing/quota_project <my_GCP_project_id>
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login 


from import aiplatform
PROJECT_ID = <my_GCP_project_id>
LOCATION_ID = <my_GCP_location_id>
    project = PROJECT_ID,
    location = LOCATION_ID,
last_endpoint = aiplatform.Endpoint.list(order_by="update_time desc")[0]


  • No choice but to look for a a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob (see Python documentation here) linked to this endpoint.

    from import aiplatform
    def check_if_endpoint_monitoring_is_enabled(my_endpoint: aiplatform.Endpoint) -> bool:
        """True/False a monitoring job has been deployed on the endpoint.
        aiplatform.init(project=my_endpoint.project, location=my_endpoint.location)
        for monitoring_job in aiplatform.ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.list():
            if my_endpoint.resource_name == monitoring_job.to_dict()['endpoint']:
                return True
        return False
    # ENDPOINT_ID: Endpoint identifier as string (quotes required)
    target_endpoint = aiplatform.Endpoint(ENDPOINT_ID) 
    print(f"Monitoring activated for {target_endpoint.display_name}: {check_if_endpoint_monitoring_is_enabled((target_endpoint)}.")