Trying to get list item of certain type passed in function. This code works as expected, but it looks not so good. Can I check classes types into firstOrNull
lambda directly, instead of comparing names?
fun <T: TripManagerModule> getModule(moduleType: KClass<T>): T? {
return modules
.firstOrNull { it::class.simpleName == moduleType.simpleName }
?.let { it as? T } //Warning here: "Unchecked cast: TripManagerModule to T"
val module = getModule(TripArrivalDelayManager::class)
You can utilize filterIsInstance()
that preserves the type of the list:
fun <T : TripManagerModule> getModule(moduleType: KClass<T>): T? =
You don't need to cast anymore, it will already be of the correct type.
And if you want to get rid of the parameter you can make the function inline:
inline fun <reified T : TripManagerModule> getModule(): T? =
You can then call it like this
val module = getModule<TripArrivalDelayManager>()
or let the compiler infer the type, for example like this:
val module: TripArrivalDelayManager? = getModule()