
Why does Runtime.maxMemory() change its value on separate calls?

I was debugging some OutOfMemoryError issues in my code, so I built a method that printed out the RAM statistics, including the max memory.

To my surprise, multiple attempts at calling the method returned different values for the MAX ram.

I set my ram properties on my start command. Here is the snippet that is relevant.

... -Xmx=$SOME_VAR -Xms=$SOME_VAR

Because of this snippet, the output from Runtime.totalMemory() ends up being the exact same as the output from Runtime.maxMemory().

How is it that the output from Runtime.maxMemory() constantly changes? It's, admittedly, not too much in most cases. Maybe half of a gigabyte. But sometimes, those half gigs can add up to almost 3 gigabytes of difference from when we started.

So I just wanted to know -- why does the output of Runtime.maxMemory() change over time? It's not like the hardware gained or lost RAM, right?

And to give some relevant details, my system has 32 gigabytes of RAM, my SOME_VAR above evaluates to roughly 25 gigabytes, and right before I run Java, my system has roughly 29 gigabytes free.

And to be clear, when I say I get different values, I mean that the following code has the possibility to print out different values.

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Sometimes, I get 23.5, othertimes, I get 24, etc.

Here is some more info that might help.


  • Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() is entirely dependent on the type of garbage collector currently in use. The Parallel collector is the default on OpenJDK 1.8, and it attempts to minimise the heap size as long as the application is meeting certain latency/throughput limits.

    Some brief background: the application running inside the JVM has its memory space, the heap, segmented from the rest of the memory used by the JVM (which contains the call stack, class metadata, etc., but isn't otherwise relevant here). -Xmx sets the maximum allowed heap size, which the JVM immediately reserves (requests from the OS), and -Xms sets the initial heap size, which the JVM immediately commits (allocates).

    Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() is an (optimistic) representation of the maximum usable heap size: it tells you how many bytes the JVM 'believes' could be filled with Java objects at this exact moment in time (including bytes occupied by objects that already exist). Consequently, the result isn't directly affected by allocations and it doesn't necessarily reflect your hardware - you can pass -Xmx1T to the JVM and maxMemory() will report 1TB regardless of how much RAM you have. Here's the JVM call itself (with some boilerplate removed):

    jlong JVM_MaxMemory(void) {
      return Universe::heap()->max_capacity();

    For most GC implementations, their max capacity is just the maximum heap size. However, ParallelGC's is different because it maintains two "survivor" spaces (heap areas that contain relatively new objects). At all times, one of the survivor regions contains objects and the other one is empty, and this alternates every GC cycle: any live objects in the 'occupied' region are moved to the previously 'empty' one.

    This explains why maxMemory() under e.g. G1GC will be identical to the value specified via -Xmx, but under ParallelGC it will be a little less - the max heap space is reduced because objects can't ever exist in the empty survivor space (and so part of the heap is, essentially, wasted). You can reduce the survivor space to save memory, but that can lead to more frequent, more expensive garbage collecting. A larger survivor space can mean less time spent GCing (it's complicated), but will waste more heap space.

    The Parallel GC attempts to balance those trade-offs with its "AdaptiveSizePolicy", which monitors the GC performance and automatically adjusts the heap partitions (e.g. the survivor spaces) in order to meet specific latency and throughput goals. If/while those are met, the goal becomes heap size minimisation - and this goal, unlike other GCs, ignores -Xms.

    So, Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() is really what the garbage collector currently 'thinks' the maximum usable heap size is, and ParallelGC aims to reduce the heap footprint regardless of the minimum size you set.