I'm new to pymongo and can't quite wrap my head around the logic of creating a nested group and match.
Im trying to find all the unique models types and then create a list of the logical names used for the models.
The output that I want to create, or close to it.
{"Model-1", {Devices: ["Name-1","Name-4"]},
{"Model-2", {Devices: ["Name-2","Name-3"]}
Mongo DB Data:
"_id": "1",
"cdate": {
"$date": "2023-11-16T00:00:00.000Z"
"AP Name": "Name-1",
"Model": "Model-1"
"_id": "2",
"cdate": {
"$date": "2023-11-16T00:00:00.000Z"
"AP Name": "Name-2",
"Model": "Model-2"
"_id": "3",
"cdate": {
"$date": "2023-11-16T00:00:00.000Z"
"AP Name": "Name-3",
"Model": "Model-2"
"_id": "4",
"cdate": {
"$date": "2023-11-16T00:00:00.000Z"
"AP Name": "Name-4",
"Model": "Model-1"
My code: I dont think this is the best way to do this.. so any help or suggestions woudld be great.
def mongo_aggregate_tags(foo_coll, foo_keyword, foo_match, x):
agg_sites = foo_coll.aggregate(
{"$match": {f"{foo_match}": x}},
{"$group": {"_id": f"${foo_keyword}"}},
{"$sort": {foo_keyword: 1}},
return agg_sites
for f_item in coll_inv.distinct("Model"):
for x in mongo_aggregate_tags(coll_inv, "Model", "AP Name", f_item):
print(x, " ", f_item)
The output I actually get looks like this:
{'_id': 'Model-1'} Name-1
{'_id': 'Model-1'} Name-4
{'_id': 'Model-2'} Name-2
{'_id': 'Model-2'} Name-3
The output you want {"Model-1", {Devices: ["Name-1","Name-4"]}
is not a dict. It's a set. And sets can't contain dicts. So that would be invalid. Also, the outer {}
braces makes it a set within a set but sets can't contain other sets.
But this would be valid, a list of dicts:
{Model: "Model-1", {Devices: ["Name-1","Name-4"]},
{Model: "Model-2", {Devices: ["Name-2","Name-3"]}
In your aggregation pipeline, you have a $group
stage but it's missing an Accumulator. So there's no action for the documents within each group. (You can have more than one accumulator in a group.)
This aggregation pipeline provides the output you want. I have removed the match stage because it's unclear what you need from that.
"$group": {
"_id": "$Model",
"Devices": { "$push": "$AP Name" }
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"Model": "$_id",
"Devices": 1
{ "$sort": { "Model": 1 } }
Mongo Playground, result is as above.
Your Python function would then be:
def mongo_aggregate_tags(foo_coll, grouping, array_field):
agg_sites = foo_coll.aggregate(
"$group": {
"_id": f"${grouping}",
"Devices": {"$push": f"${array_field}"},
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
grouping: "$_id",
"Devices": 1,
{"$sort": {grouping: 1}},
return agg_sites
for x in mongo_aggregate_tags(coll_inv, "Model", "AP Name"):
(I skipped the x
and f_item
params since its purpose is also unclear.)
To take the example further, I've added a "Colour" field, so it can be used like this:
print("Models by Colour:")
for x in mongo_aggregate_tags(coll_inv, "Model", "Colour"):
# or group by Colour
print("Colours by Models:")
for x in mongo_aggregate_tags(coll_inv, "Colour", "Model"):
Models by Colour:
{'Devices': ['red', 'green'], 'Model': 'Model-1'}
{'Devices': ['green', 'blue'], 'Model': 'Model-2'}
Colours by Models:
{'Devices': ['Model-2'], 'Colour': 'blue'}
{'Devices': ['Model-2', 'Model-1'], 'Colour': 'green'}
{'Devices': ['Model-1'], 'Colour': 'red'}
(you can change the 'label' for the accumulated/array field and pass that in as a parameter to the function.)