
How to JQ select a record where a sub-node matches both values

I have a JSON similar to the following. I have multiple records, and I'm trying to extract the field value for "RecType" from the record which has the tag where Key==name and Value==uiop.

  "Records": [
      "RecType": "type-A",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "category",
          "Value": "foo"
          "Key": "name",
          "Value": "qwerty"
      "RecType": "type-B",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "category",
          "Value": "bar"
          "Key": "name",
          "Value": "uiop"

I've been trying to do the command below, but it returns the RecType for BOTH records, presumably because the Key==Name appears in both. But what I'm trying to do is pull the record where the Key/Value pair where name==uiop; I think what I'm doing is saying "pull all records where there is a Key==name AND Value==uiop which is not the intent.

jq ".Records[] | (select(.Tags[].Key==\"Name\")) 
               | (select(.Tags[].Value==\"uiop\"))" 
               | jq ".RecType" 

I've tried doing an "and" for the two select statements, but it seems to result in booleans, not the matching I'm hoping for.

Any ideas?


  • You were close, it's just that you need to nest your selects:

    .Records[] |
        .Tags[] |
        select(.Key == "name" and .Value == "uiop")
    ) |