
Adding a hyphen between dates in SQL

I have a column (somecolumn) in a table (sometable) in the following format (DATE): 2025-01-01 00:00:00

Using SQL, I want to make the 2 following columns:

1) Extract the month number based on April-April Calendar, i.e. April =1, May =2, ...

2) Identify the year based on the April-April Calendar, i.e. Jan 1st 2025 is in the 2024-2025 year.

The first one is easy to do manually:

        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 4 THEN 1
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 5 THEN 2
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 6 THEN 3
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 7 THEN 4
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 8 THEN 5
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 9 THEN 6
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 10 THEN 7
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 11 THEN 8
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 12 THEN 9
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 1 THEN 10
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 2 THEN 11
        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somedate) = 3 THEN 12
    END AS new_month
FROM sometable;

The second one is more confusing. I tried to think of the logic by breaking months into (Jan-March and otherwise):

        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM somecolumn) <= 3 
        THEN (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM somecolumn) - 1) || '-' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM somecolumn)
        ELSE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM somecolumn) || '-' || (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM somecolumn) + 1)
    END AS new_year
FROM sometable;

Is this the correct logic?


  • I think what you are proposing works already as expected. Small change is you need to cast the year to a VARCHAR as you are concatenating a string (-) in the new_year column.

    Another way to find the new_month is to use modulo to shift the year start to April by adding 8 to the month number and then dividing by 12 like so

    (MONTH(test_col) + 8) % 12 + 1 AS new_month

    And then you can use it to calculate the new_year like you already did

    Sample query

        test_col,(MONTH(test_col) + 8) % 12 + 1 AS new_month,
        WHEN MONTH(test_col) <=3 THEN 
        VARCHAR(YEAR(test_col) - 1) || '-' || VARCHAR(YEAR(test_col))
        ELSE  VARCHAR(YEAR(test_col)) || '-' || VARCHAR(YEAR(test_col) + 1)
        END AS new_year
    FROM test;



    2024-01-15 10 2023-2024
    2024-02-21 11 2023-2024
    2024-03-10 12 2023-2024
    2024-04-05 1 2024-2025
    2024-05-18 2 2024-2025
    2024-06-25 3 2024-2025
    2024-07-04 4 2024-2025
    2024-08-11 5 2024-2025
    2024-09-20 6 2024-2025
    2024-10-03 7 2024-2025
    2024-11-26 8 2024-2025
    2024-12-17 9 2024-2025
    2025-01-01 10 2024-2025
    2025-02-21 11 2024-2025
    2025-03-10 12 2024-2025
    2025-04-05 1 2025-2026