
Pagination error while accessing data using Google Apps Script

I am trying to access url data (clickable titles) from this table. The script gets the first page correctly but I could not find a way to get the data from second page. Here is the sample script:

 function scrapeTitlesData() {

        var url = "";

        let cookieResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
        let cookie = cookieResponse.getAllHeaders()['Set-Cookie'].map(c => c.split(';')[0]).join(';');
        let options = {
         method: 'get',
         headers: { cookie },

        var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options).getContentText();


    function extractAndModifyUrls(html) {
      // Regex pattern to match the required URLs
      var regex = /SplashBidNoticeAbstractUI\.aspx\?menuIndex=3&refID=\d+&[^"]+/g;
      // Initialize an empty array to store the modified URLs
      var modifiedUrls = [];
      var match;
      // Find all matches in the HTML
      while ((match = regex.exec(html)) !== null) {
        var newUrl = '' + match[0];
        newUrl = newUrl.replace(/&/g, '&');
        // Add the new URL to the array

I have tried adding the page number in the URL but it does not go to the next page at all. Any guidance to resolve this is much appreciated.


  • You need to make a POST request with form data and cookies. Something like this should work:

    function* getNextPage(url) {
      let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
      let cookie = response.getAllHeaders()['Set-Cookie'].map( c => c.split(';')[0]).join(';');
      let html = response.getContentText();
      yield html;
      while (html.includes('pgCtrlDetailedSearch$nextLB')) {
        let inputs = Array.from(html.matchAll(/id="(\S+)" value="(\S+)"/g), a => a.slice(1));
        let data = {
          '__EVENTTARGET': 'pgCtrlDetailedSearch$nextLB',
          '__EVENTARGUMENT': '',
        let options = {
          method: 'post',
          headers: {cookie},
          payload: data,
        html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options).getContentText();
        yield html;
    function main() {
      const pageUrl = ''
      let paginator = getNextPage(pageUrl);
      let baseUrl = '';
      for (let page of paginator) {
        let matches = page.matchAll(/id="dgSearchResult_\w+" href="([^"]+)"/g);
        let links = Array.from(matches, arr => `${baseUrl}/${arr[1].replaceAll('&', '&')}`)

    Note: getNextPage is a generator function. (yields one page at a time)