I installed CoPilot for Visual Studio and now every time I debug anything I get the error "A debugger operation is taking longer than expected'. When I click to Terminate I get "Are you sure you would like to cancel your remove session". This is now happening with all my projects and there is no chance that I have any remote debugging session going on.
The issue happens whenever I am leaving a method, meaning I'm not even on a a active piece of code. I moved my project over to my laptop and debugging works without issue and as soon as installed CoPilot I began to get this error. I've uninstalled CoPilot and all of Visual studio and the error still returns.
Another thing I've noticed is now "Automatically close the console when debugging stops" is not checked by default.
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.13.0
As I keep playing with this, the issue only occurs on step over (F10) when returning to another class. If I use F5, I can return to the other class without an issue.
I just created a new and updated to the latest version 17.13.0 and never installed CoPilot and the issue occurs.
After 3 days, 2 vms, a laptop I was about to format, there seems to be an issue with the latest edition of Visual Studio Community (17.13.0).
What I had to do was completely uninstall visual studio, then run the uninstall tool. After that, I downloaded visual studio again from the microsoft site, but instead of executing the exe, I opened command prompt, navigated to the exe, and ran VisualStudioSetup.exe --channelUri https://aka.ms/vs/17/release.LTSC.17.8/channel
This allowed me to install Community Version 17.8 which does not have the issue.