I have integrated Vimeo video API into my Flutter Android app, and it was working fine until recently. I was calling the following Vimeo API endpoint:
GET https://api.vimeo.com/videos/{video_id}?fields=play,name,pictures
The response I used to get included a "progressive" field under the "play" field, as shown in the documentation: https://developer.vimeo.com/api/files/video-links
Here’s the expected sample response from the API:
"play": {
"progressive": [
"type": "video/mp4",
"codec": "H264",
"width": 480,
"height": 360,
"link": "https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/.../video.mp4",
"created_time": "2018-08-27T14:58:07+00:00",
"size": 1067683,
"fps": 29.97
"type": "video/mp4",
"codec": "H264",
"width": 720,
"height": 540,
"link": "https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/.../video.mp4",
"created_time": "2018-08-27T14:58:07+00:00",
"size": 2876666,
"fps": 29.97
However, recently, the API response has changed, and I am only receiving this:
"play": {
"status": "playable"
This is causing my app to break, as the progressive field is no longer included. I haven’t made any changes to my code or the API call in my Flutter app, but the integration has suddenly stopped working.
I am using a Vimeo Plus membership.
I have tried checking this using Postman. here is my flutter code for refreance:
class VimeoManager {
static final VimeoManager _instance = VimeoManager._internal();
static VimeoManager get instance => _instance;
final String accessToken;
VimeoManager._internal() : accessToken = const String.fromEnvironment('VIMEO_ACCESS_TOKEN');
Future<VimeoVideoInfo> fetchVimeoVideoData(String videoId) async {
final apiUrl = Uri.parse('https://api.vimeo.com/videos/$videoId?fields=play,name,pictures');
final response = await http.get(apiUrl, headers: {
AUTHORIZATION: 'Bearer $accessToken',
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
Logger().e('Failed to load video data');
throw Exception('Failed to load video data');
final Map<String, dynamic> json = jsonDecode(response.body);
// Use the VimeoVideo model to parse the JSON response
final vimeoVideo = VimeoVideo.fromJson(json);
final thumbnailURLs = <VimeoThumbnailQuality, Uri>{};
final videoURLs = <VimeoVideoQuality, Uri>{};
// Extract video URLs
final play = vimeoVideo.play;
if (play != null) {
final progressive = play.progressive;
if (progressive != null) {
for (final video in progressive) {
final qualityString = video.rendition;
final quality = qualityString?.toVimeoVideoQuality() ?? VimeoVideoQuality.unknown;
final urlStr = video.link;
if (quality != VimeoVideoQuality.unknown && urlStr != null) {
videoURLs[quality] = Uri.parse(urlStr);
// Extract thumbnail URLs
final pictures = vimeoVideo.pictures;
if (pictures != null) {
final sizes = pictures.sizes;
if (sizes != null) {
for (final size in sizes) {
final qualityString = '${size.width}x${size.height}';
final quality = qualityString.toVimeoThumbnailQuality();
if (quality != VimeoThumbnailQuality.qualityUnknown && size.link != null) {
thumbnailURLs[quality] = Uri.parse(size.link!);
// Extract video title
final name = vimeoVideo.name;
if (name == null) {
throw Exception('Invalid JSON format from Vimeo');
return VimeoVideoInfo(
title: name,
thumbnailURL: thumbnailURLs,
videoURL: videoURLs,
I’m wondering if this is an issue from Vimeo’s side or if there is something I missed in my API request. Can someone help me understand why the progressive field is missing from the response, and how to handle this issue?
the Vimeo account must be on a free plan or a plus plan(legacy), which doesn't have access to Vimeo video files. As stated in documentation, accessing video files via the API requires a Standard (or higher) plan, or the legacy Pro plan (or higher).