Good morning. Stack Overflow, Powershell, Object Graph novice here.
I am interested in making an enhancement to the following program in Powershell. As of now, the program searches for "RatedOI" and entityType "Operator" inside of a ForEach. Once "Operator" is found, the program yields two objects of interest: id and RatedOI.
I have a complex JSON file where id and RatedOI appear in the JSON file. If RatedOI is not found in JSON file, the program still returns the id string. Is it possible to modify the code where no results yield for id and RatedOI when RatedOI is not found?
id RatedIO
---- ------
6fe06340-072f-49b2-8d5a-449e3db80002 False
Id RatedOI
---- ------
7af50dbb-7ea3-4458-adfe-a82198a80002 False
Can someone please review this sample JSON file and PowerShell code and provide feedback?
JSON code
"id": "e0b8a6aa-2675-4d93-86ff-6a51a0daea85",
"_etag": "\"ba00b86de-0000-0100-00dd00-671029b20000",
"LOB": "A",
"RD": {
"PSM": {
"entities": [
"qid": "638ee347-42ed-441c-a6ff-d6c99cf62df55",
"peakData": {
"PDR": []
"ASC": "Committed",
"entitiesData": {
"entities": [
"id": "b0000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000b",
"entityType": "InsuranceHistoryUserResponse",
"ordinal": 0,
"characteristics": {
"PBILR": {
"stringValue": "XYZ"
"stringValue": "XYZ"
"PISR": {
"stringValue": "XeYZ"
"id": "7af50dbb-7ea3-4458-adfe-a82198a80001",
"entityType": "Operator",
"ordinal": 0,
"characteristics": {
"FirstName": {
"stringValue": "Joe"
"stringValue": "A82539878"
"RatedOI2": {
"boolValue": true
"id": "b0000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000",
"entityType": "IHUR",
"ordinal": 0,
"characteristics": {
"PBILR": {
"stringValue": "XYZ"
"stringValue": "XYZ"
"PISR": {
"stringValue": "XYZ"
"id": "7af50dbb-7ea3-4458-adfe-a82198a80002",
"entityType": "Operator",
"ordinal": 0,
"characteristics": {
"FirstName": {
"stringValue": "Joe"
"stringValue": "3333"
"RatedOI": {
"boolValue": false
PowerShell code here, based on this answer:
Set-Location C:\Users\A187515\Downloads\
$file = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\A187515\Downloads\ -Filter *.json | Sort-Object LastAccessTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
(Get-Content -Raw $file | ConvertFrom-Json) | ForEach-Object {
foreach ($entity in $_.EntitiesData.Entities) {
if ($entity.EntityType -eq 'Operator' -and $entity.Characteristics -isnot [array]) {
$entity | Select-Object `
@{ Name = 'RatedOI'; Expression = {
$_.characteristics.RatedOI.boolValue }
Add -and $entity.Characteristics.RatedOI
to your if
-statement conditional:
# ...
(Get-Content -Raw $file | ConvertFrom-Json) | ForEach-Object {
foreach ($entity in $_.EntitiesData.Entities) {
# Note the addition of `-and $entity.Characteristics.RatedOI`
if ($entity.EntityType -eq 'Operator' -and $entity.Characteristics -isnot [array] -and $entity.Characteristics.RatedOI) {
$entity | Select-Object `
@{ Name = 'RatedOI'; Expression = {
$_.Characteristics.RatedOI.boolValue }
The above takes advantage of PowerShell's implicit to-Boolean conversion:
In a Boolean context - such as an if
conditional - an object of any type can be used, which PowerShell then interprets as a Boolean.
Thus, $entity.Characteristics.RatedOI
evaluates to $true
only if a .RatedOI
property with a "truthy" value is present.
property is present, it, contains a nested object, which ConvertFrom-Json
parses into a [pscustomobject]
. Any [pscustomobject]
instance is coerced to $true
(even one without properties; try [bool] [pscustomobject] @{ }
.In the absence of a .RatedOI
property, PowerShell by default quietly returns $null
when an attempt is made to such a non-existent property, and $null
is coerced to $false
(try [bool] $null
A small caveat is that the quiet to-$null
evaluation can be changed to reporting an error instead, namely if Set-StrictMode
-Version 2
or higher is in effect.
You can guard against this by either placing Set-StrictMode -Off
or Set-StrictMode -Version 1
(if you want errors to be reported for non-existent variables, which by default also evaluate to $null
) at the start of your script / function.