Using DatabaseSync in Node, I can do the following:
const stmt = conn.prepare(`select name from people where id = ?`);
let res = stmt.get(100)
However, I want to select a number of records at once using the IN
operator, so I tried the following, thinking that's quite expected, but it does not work:
const stmt = conn.prepare(`select name from people where id in (?)`);
res = stmt.get([100,200,300])
res = stmt2.get(1,2,3)
How do I actually use the WHERE x IN (y1, y2, ... yn)
in this case with parameters?
Instead of a single parameter, try constructing a list of parameters which corresponds to number of binding values.
For example:
const values = [100,200,300];
// 3 values, so need 3 params: ?,?,?
const params =>'?').join(',');
const stmt = conn.prepare(`select name from people where id in (${params})`);
res = stmt.get(values);