I see there is a Run After setting in the designer
But not in the code view.
"actions": {
"Get_file_content": {
"type": "ApiConnection",
"inputs": {
"host": {
"connection": {
"name": "@parameters('$connections')['ftp']['connectionId']"
"method": "get",
"path": "/datasets/default/files/@{encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent('/data/backup/*'))}/content",
"queries": {
"inferContentType": true
"runAfter": {}
I have tried pressing Run but experience an error
The renderComponentIntoRoot component encountered an error while loading
I am new to Logic Apps and unsure what to expect.
I do agree with @10p that, for the first action you will not be having any runAfter as it is trigger . The action triggers the workflow or Logic app when the condition of the trigger is met.
As this is the first action after trigger, your runAfter will be empty, that is selected by default and you cannot even edit that as this is first action after trigger. So this means this action will execute when trigger's condition is met.